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How to teach linguistics of Modern Foreign Languages

Date: 3 June, 2011
Location: Room G8, Main Building (marked no 1 on campus map), Aston University
Event type: Workshop

Location map | Programme

The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies of the Higher Education Academy is planning an event on the interface between the teaching of Linguistics and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). This issue is important because many Linguistics departments in the UK are merging or have merged with English Departments, and this leads to Linguistics becoming more limited in scope, and less clearly linked with MFL. The workshop aims at sharing good practice in the teaching of French Linguistics, German Linguistics and Spanish Linguistics in the UK, but contributions about the teaching of linguistic aspects of other modern foreign languages that are taught in the UK are welcome too.

The event has been partly sponsored by the International Association for Study of Spanish in Society : SIS / The British Association for Applied Linguistics : BAAL / Forum for Germanic Language Studies : FGLS / Association for French Language Studies : AFLS



  • There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy.
  • Please note that we reserve the right to charge a £50 cancellation fee if you do not notify us at least 48 hours beforehand that you are unable to attend.
  • Full details of our charging policy are available.
  • Lunch will be provided.

Travel bursary

Travel bursaries are not available for this event.

Programme for 3 June 2011
Time Session
09.45 - 10.20 Coffee and registration
10.20 - 10.30 Opening and Welcome
10.30 - 11.15 Students as researchers
Patrick Stevenson, University of Southampton
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 64.39 KB)
11.15 - 12.00 Students as field workers
Gertrud Reershemius, Aston University
12.00 - 12.45 Welsh-medium linguistics: approaches and challenges
Peredur Davies, Bangor University
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 122.85 KB
12.45 - 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 - 14.15  A ´big language´ - dimensions of variation in modern Spanish?
Chris Pountain, Queen Mary University London
Powerpoint pdf (pdf, 104.6 KB)
14.15 - 15.00 Teaching French linguistics to students of French: aims, methods and outcomes
Glyn Hicks, University of Southampton
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 873 KB)
15.00 - 15.45 DIY Linguistics : an experiment in bridging the gap between grammar and linguistics
Emmanuelle Labeau, Aston University
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 3.09 MB)
15.45 - 16.00 Tea / coffee break
16.00 - 16.30  General discussion and conclusion