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The interface between English Literature and English Language: innovation in curriculum development

Date: 24 May, 2011
Location: Room 104, Fulton Building (marked 30 on campus map), University of Sussex
Event type: Workshop

Location map | Programme

This event is jointly organised by the Subject Centre for LLAS and the Subject Centre for English. The aim of the event is to discuss the interface between English Language and English Literature and to share examples of good practice in teaching various aspects of stylistics, discourse, textlinguistics, etc. on English Literature degrees. The event is timely because many Linguistics departments are merging or have merged with English Literature Departments. The event is aimed at academic staff who are considering how to further integrate aspects of the English Literature and English Language/Linguistics curricula.

The event has been partly sponsored by the International Association for Study of Spanish in Society : SIS / The British Association for Applied Linguistics : BAAL The Linguistics Association of Great Britain : LAGB


  • There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy.
  • Full details of our charging policy are available.
  • Lunch will be provided.

Travel bursary

Travel bursaries are not available for this event.

Provisional programme for 24 May 2011
Time Session
10.00 - 10.20

Welcome (coffee / tea available)
Lynne Murphy, University of Sussex )
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 249.5 KB)

10.20 - 11.00 Discourse stylistics - literature through language into cultural studies
Geoff Hall, Swansea University
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 38.5 KB)  
11.00 - 11.40 “ That's not data - that's a text!": difficult grammar and real writing
Richard Steadman-Jones, University of Sheffield
Powerpoint pdf (pdf, 662.93 KB)
11.40 - 12.00 Coffee / tea break
12.00 - 12.40

A corpus stylistic approach to Dickens's fiction - teaching students of language and literature
Michaela Mahlberg, University of Nottingham
Powerpoint pdf (pdf, 2.5 MB)

12.40 - 13.30 Lunch, followed by coffee / tea
13.30 - 15.00

Analysing Larkin: a workshop exploring complementary approaches to teaching texts
Charles Denroche, University of Westminster

Norman Vance, University of Sussex

15.00 - 16.00 Discussion: reflections on the Literature-Language teaching interface
16.00 Close