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Developing materials for English for Specific Academic Purposes

Date: 11 November, 2011
Location: Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: Practitioner Workshop

Location map | Programme

Presenter/facilitator: Liz Hauge, University of Southampton

It is becoming more widely recognised that students on both in-sessional and pre-sessional courses benefit from working with materials and resources which have been developed with specific disciplines in mind. This workshop will focus on the practicalities of creating discipline-specific materials: how to locate appropriate source materials; and how to work with this content, as non-specialists in the discipline, to create activities which will help students to develop the skills and strategies they need to succeed on their degree programmes. Materials which have been created at Southampton for a range of disciplines, such as Law; Engineering; Psychology; Management; and Art and Design, will be used as exemplars, before participants with a special interest in those disciplines work together to begin to develop their own materials. Each group will present the first drafts of materials created during the workshop, and it is hoped that when these are in their final versions, group members will pilot them, refine them as necessary and perhaps subsequently share them via a web page for use by course participants.

This workshop will be of interest to:

  • Those who teach ESAP on in-sessional courses and wish to develop their own materials
  • Those who are interested in developing materials for discipline-specific pre-sessional courses
  • Those who are interested in ESAP, but who are not, as yet, involved in it

We hope that the principal outcomes of this workshop will be that participants will:

  • see the advantages of developing discipline-specific materials for their students and feel encouraged to do so
  • receive practical advice and help to begin developing their own discipline-specific materials
  • feel motivated to share the final versions of their discipline-specific materials with the other participants of the workshop.


  • There is a charge of £125 to attend this event. 
  • Members of BALEAP are entitled to a £10 discount bringing total charge to £115 to attend this event
  • Please note that we reserve the right to retain the £125/£115 as a cancellation fee if you do not notify us by Tuesday 1 November 2011 that you are unable to attend.
  • Full details of our charging policy are available.
  • Lunch will be provided


Provisional programme for Developing materials for English for Specific Academic Purposes - 11 November 2011
Time Session
10.00 - 10.30 Registration
10.30 - 11.30 Presentation: ‘What are ESAP materials and why do we need them?’
This will involve an introductory talk (EH) followed by people showing their ESAP materials for Law, Engineering, Psychology, Art & Design and Management and explaining why the materials were needed and how they have been designed to address their purpose.
11.30 - 12.00 Tea/coffee
12.00 - 13.00 Workshop session 1
Delegates will be divided into groups with an interest in one of the disciplines (above) and given sa bundle of source materials to use for the production of discipline-specific materials to teach some aspect of ESAP. Each group will have a co-ordinator – who would be one of the original presenters from the 10:30-11:30 session – and they will have access to a PC, paper, pens and pencils, highlighters and so on.
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Workshop session 2
Work will continue on developing the materials started before lunch and getting them into a presentable form which can be saved on a memory stick
15.30 - 16.30

Presentation: ESAP materials developed today
Delegates will present their materials, explaining their purpose and showing how the materials would address this purpose [Tea and coffee will be available during this final session]