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POSTPONED - E-learning : 6 Ps in a podcast, creating good quality audio resources for blended and distance learning

Date: 8 November, 2011
Location: The Open Learning Centre, King's Building (marked A), Strand Campus, King's College London
Event type: Practitioner Workshop

Location map | Programme

Due to illness this event will be rescheduled

EVENT TIMINGS : 10.00 - 16.30

Lead Practitioner : Rose Clark (University of Portsmouth)

The workshop will introduce participants to the basic software required to make a pedagogical audio file. In addition to hands on experience, the workshop type sessions will involve input based on the 6 Ps Portsmouth model and discussion relating to the implications for the teacher of moving to an online/blended learning environment. The nature and role of scripts and implications of adding graphics, text and video will also be addressed. Participants should bring memory sticks to save and take away work produced.

In the early session participants make a group podcast to raise awareness of the issues involved and overcome technical phobias. Presentation sessions will outline the model with reference to other approaches and experiences of podcasting. A further hands-on session is intended to deepen participants‘ understanding both of the technology and the model. The final session is intended to bring all the issues of the day to a close.

This workshop is for:

  • HE teachers of any discipline

The main outcomes of the workshop are:

  • An ability to download and use audio software
  • Understand of how to present oneself on a podcast
  • Skills in creating instructional audio material for use online and in VLEs



  • There is a charge of £125 to attend this event. 
  • Please note that we reserve the right to retain the fee of  £125 if you do not notify us by Monday 31 October 2011 that you are unable to attend.
  • Full details of our charging policy are available.
  • Lunch will not be provided.



Time Session
10.00 - 10.30 Registration
10.30-10.45 Opening Definitions
What is a podcast? Participant’s experiences.
10.45 – 11.30 Experimentation “Is it only 60 minutes to make your first podcast?”
Practitioner led activity to show a small group that they can produce a rough podcast in less than an hour.
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee
11.45 – 12.45 Presentation & Reflection. The First 3 Ps: Production, Planning & Pedagogy.
Seminar style session for the whole group outlining the first three elements in the Portsmouth model.
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch
BYO (Bring or Buy Your Own) or in Kings Strand Cafeteria
13.30 – 14.30 Presentation & Reflection. The Second 3 Ps: Positioning, Publishing, & Participation
Seminar style session for the whole group outlining the second three elements in the Portsmouth model.
14.30 – 14.45 Coffee
14.45 – 15.30

Experimentation. Putting Podcasts into Practice.
Individual tasks encouraging participation in producing an audio podcast for a particular cohort of students.

15.30 – 16.00 Concluding Presentation.
Seminar style session for the whole group representing and critiquing the model.
