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Collaborative working using open research data to create Open Educational Resources for the humanities

Date: 23 May, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: workshop

Location map | Programme

This event is part of the Higher Education Academy Open Education Resources seminar series. The focus of this workshop will be to show the benefits of publishing research data openly, and to show how one set of data collected for a single discipline can be used in different ways to create Open Educational Resources with varied content across the humanities. It will be an interactive session which will involve presentations, discussion and hands-on activities.
Key aims:

  • To disseminate the ongoing work of the OpenLIVES project team, who will talk about their direct experience of publishing historical research data openly, and their collaboration in the creation of OERs using this data
  • To stimulate discussion around the issues and challenges of publishing research data openly, and the issues inherent in re-using the data/work of others
  • To offer practical tips from experience on how to re-use data to create OERs on different topics and purposes
  • To give hands-on practice using the core data with a new OER remixing tool


This event is free to attend.

Remember that you can apply for the HEA UK travel fund to cover travel, subsistence or conference fees for this event. To find out more, visit the HEA website or download the application form here


Time Session
09.45 - 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.15 Introduction to the HEA
An introduction to the work of the Higher Education Academy
10.15 – 10.30 Session 1: Introduction to the Openlives project
Kate Borthwick (LLAS)
A short introduction to the JISC-funded OpenLIVES project to establish the context for the day.
10.30 – 11.00 Session 2: Publishing open research data: issues and considerations
Alicia Pozo-Gutierrez (University of Southampton)
Case study: A presentation of the core data set used in the OpenLIVES project and the key issues, challenges and considerations in making this data open for others to use.
11.00 – 11.30 Discussion – what are the benefits and risks of publishing open data?
Led by OpenLIVES team
Small group discussion will feed back into a plenary which will work to identify the issues to consider and the risks and benefits of publishing open data noted by participants. The plenary discussion will invite solutions and ways to reduce risk based on experiences of the OpenLIVES team.
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee/tea
11.45 – 13.00

Session 3: Collaboration and creation re-using data collected by others
Antonio Martinez-Arboleda (University of Leeds), Miguel Arrebola (University of Portsmouth), Irina Nelson (University of Southampton)
Three project members will talk about how they are using the research data to create OERs with different pedagogical aims and purposes. Their approaches include how they are collaborating with each other, make use of student-created work and are embedding the process of OER-creation and the outputs into their teaching.
This session will conclude with a discussion: how might these approaches fit into your own practice? What problems/benefits do you envisage?

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Session 4: Hands-on practice
Kate Borthwick (LLAS)
This session will involve a short introduction to the HumBox, the OpenLIVES group on the site, and the OER remixing tool recently installed on the HumBox. It will give participants the opportunity to practice with the tool using the OpenLIVES data published at this point.
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee/tea
15.15 – 15.45 Session 5: Feedback and reflection
Led by OpenLIVES team
Discussion: how might you use these tools in your own practice? What benefits/issues do you envisage?