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e-learning symposium 2013

Date: 24 January, 2013 - 25 January, 2013
Location: Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: Conference

Location map


Live Streaming

LLAS will be live streaming the four keynote speakers.  To view the livestream visit :    Most sessions will be recorded and available on our website after the event.

Please note : To watch the LLAS livestream you will require a computer that has Microsoft Silverlight installed.  To check if you meet these requirements, please visit :

LLAS, Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies will hold its 8th annual elearning symposium on 24/5th January 2013. The aim of the symposium is to seek to bridge the gap between the ‘techie’ and the teacher, giving educators ideas to help them integrate elearning into their practice but also to inspire them to see where the online future could lead. The symposium is always well-attended by practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and institutions, and keynote speakers are live-streamed. Following last year’s successful event, the two-day symposium comprises a practical mix of workshops on authoring tools and elearning techniques and presentations to inspire the mind with exciting ideas about the possibilities that online learning offers. We offer attendees a range of content from areas of more specific interest to our core LLAS community, to topics of wider interest to educators involved in elearning. We highlight best practice in using elearning and feature an exciting mixture of research and reports from practice to inspire our community.

Main themes for the 2013 symposium are:

  • Innovative tools for teaching
  • Digital literacy for staff and students
  • QR codes in teaching
  • iTunesU
  • Augmented reality
  • Innovative grammar teaching
  • MOOCS and language study

See videos and information from symposium 2012

Social media

Tweets about the conference use the twitter hashtag #elearnLLAS. We encourage you to tweet before, during and after the conference to share your experience with the whole community! Follow the conference twitter account @elearnLLAS 
Storify of day 1 and day 2 now available!!

You can also check  the e-learning symposium page at


Programme (provisional)

Keynote speakers

Prof Mike Neary, Dean of Teaching and Learning at the University of Lincoln
Prof Allison Littlejohn, Chair of Learning Technology, Glasgow Caledonian University, Director of the Caledonian Academy
Prof Gráinne Conole, Professor of Learning Innovation, University of Leicester
Nik Peachey, Associate Trainer, Bell Educational Services

*All keynote talks will be live-streamed*

Day one: Thursday, 24 January 2013

09.45-10.15                 Registration and tea / coffee

10.15-10.30                 Welcome and introduction to the day
10.15-10.30                 Prof Anne Curry, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Southampton

10.30-11.15                 Keynote address: 
10.30-11.15                 Nik Peachey, Associate Trainer Bell Educational Services
10.30-11.15             Making e-learning social and collaborative

11.15-11.45                 Tea / coffee, poster display and sponsors’ exhibition

11.45-12.45                 Parallel sessions 1

Workshop A  Session 1.1  Session 1.2  Session 1.3
Fiona Harvey and Lisa Harris
University of Southampton

Digital literacy: living and learning on the Web
Ruth Trinder
Vienna University of Business and Economics

Blended learning, Web 2.0 and learner beliefs – promises and realities of students’ use of technology for language learning
Mirjam Hauck, Beaven T., Comas-Quinn A., Lewis T., de Los Arcos B., The Open University

Of MOOCS and MOTS: new wine in an old bottle?
Jonas Langner
University of Bristol

Online grammar course for students of German
Fernando Rosell-Aguilar
The Open University

i-Tunes U as a tool for language learning: the learners’ perspective

Nuria Lopez
Newcastle University

Working together: using a wiki to create a Spanish class dictionary

12.45-13.45                  Lunch, poster display and sponsors’ exhibition

13.45-14.15                  Session 2

Showcase and demonstration of projects
OpenLIVES / EAP Toolkit / Language Box / LORO (Languages open Resources Online) / MexCo / IRIS / TESOL Electronic Village / Languages@Warwick / Online grammar course for students of German

14.15-15.15                  Parallel sessions 3


Workshop B  Session 3.1  Session 3.2 Session 3.3
Kirsten Sontgens
University of Southampton

Blended learning for languages. How to successfully integrate technology into everyday teaching
Marina Orsini-Jones,
Lloyd E., Gazeley Z., Bescond G., Vass H., Vera B., University of Coventry & Universidad National Autónoma de México

Negotiating intercultural awareness online: reporting on the first phase of an international exchange project between undergraduate students in the UK and in Mexico (MexCo)
Nathalie Thorne, Leeds Metropolitan University

Teaching interpreting via distance learning - possible or impossible?
Helene Pulker and Anna Calvi
The Open University

The evaluation and re-use of Open Educational Resources: a case study
Jean-Christophe Penet and Helen Lowther
Newcastle University

Autonomous e-learning to improve careers awareness and employability in first-year (post A-level) language classes

Kate Borthwick,
LLAS, University of Southampton

Finding a Voice through Open Resources: FAVOR project

Teresa MacKinnon, University of Warwick

Exploring the collaborative potential of Web 2.0

15.15-16.00                    Tea / coffee, poster display and sponsors’ exhibition
15.15-16.00                    Posters ‘show and tell’ session

Marta Becquet, University of Glasgow Moodle (r)evolution – developing VLE for teaching Polish as a foreign language
Serpil Meri, University of Southampton Investigation on Turkish students’ readiness for learner autonomy: inside and outside class activities
 Aiden Yeh, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Taiwan Assessing the effectiveness of informal online teacher professional development using the principles of cognitive apprenticeship
 Julie Watson, University of Southampton  Archi21: evolving a CLIL approach for language learning by students of Architecture and Design using a 3D immersive world combined with other 2D technologies

16.00-16.45                    Keynote address: 
16.00-16.45               Prof Mike Neary, Dean of Teaching and Learning, University of Lincoln
16.00-16.45               Student as Producer: A Revolution in Higher Education?

16.45-16.45                    Drinks reception sponsored by Rosetta Stone

19.00-16.45                    Conference dinner at Ceno's

Day Two: Friday, 25 January 2013

09.15-09.45                    Registration and tea / coffee

09.45-10.00                    Welcome and summary social wall
09.45-10.00                    Vicky Wright, Director of Language Strategy, University of Southampton

10.00-10.45                    Keynote address: 
10.00-10.45                    Alison Littlejohn, Professor of Learning Technology, Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University
10.00-10.45                    Learning in the open: the evolution of open educational practice

10.50-11.50                    Parallel Sessions 4

Workshop C Session 4.1 Session 4.2 Session 4.3
Caoimhín Ó Dónaill
University of Ulster

A free online multimedia authoring tool and hosting service for language teachers
Richard Galletly
Aston University


‘Worth the effort?' How students of Academic Writing classes respond to supplementary video resources

Maria Garcia-Florenciano
University of Leeds

Interviews as opportunities for learners to engage in authentic language use and collaborative communicative tasks
Edith Kreutner
University of Bristol

Movie making for grammar learning
Mark Stimpfig,


SANSSpace - the language lab in the cloud

Edward Hoyle

Customised Solutions for Successful Online Language Training

Robyn Woodrow, SketchEngine


Discover how words behave with SketchEngine


11.50-12.15                    Tea / coffee, poster display and sponsors’ exhibition

12.15-13.15                    Parallel Sessions 5

Workshop D Session 5.1 Session 5.2
Alannah Fitzgerald, University of Oxford IT Services, TOETOE International project, University of Waikato Greenstone Open Source Digital Library Software Lab (NZ), FLAX project

FLAX weaving with Oxford Open Educational Resources: open practices and resources for English Language Teaching
Nicolas Pino James University of Warwick

Potential of asynchronous CMC in developing speaking proficiency
Michael Thomas
University of Central Lancashire

Augmented Reality in language education: using QR codes to engage international students
Marion Sadoux, London Metropolitan University

Adieu l’anxiété?  Can Computer Mediated Communication help learners with Foreign Language Anxiety  

Billy Brick and Tiziana Cervi-Wilson, University of Coventry

Breaking down the classroom walls: Augmented Reality and language learning

13.15-14.30                   Lunch, poster display and sponsors’ exhibition

14.30-15.30                   Parallel Sessions 6

Session 6.1 Session 6.2  Session 6.3
John Canning, LLAS, University of Southampton

No open learning without open access: a portal for open access research into teaching modern languages
Julie Watson
University of Southampton

Is the Social Wall the new discussion forum? An evaluation of the use of a Web 2.0 social wall by students on an online course
Antonio Martinez-Arboleda
University of Leeds
Miguel Arrebola, University of Portsmouth

Transformational teaching in the OpenLIVES project
Emma Marsden
University of York

IRIS: a new online resource for doing research into second language learning and teaching

Julien Hamilton-Hart
Swansea University

Autocues for language learning:linguistic immersion, employability, and a transferable end-product

Lucy Hill
Newcastle University

Spanish for medical students: fostering collaborative learning in mixed-level groups

15.35-16.15               Keynote address: 
15.35-16.15 .35-16.15Prof Gráinne Conole, Professor of Learning Innovation, University of Leicester
15.35-16.16               Harnessing new media, pedagogical innovation and new approaches to design

16.15                       Closing remarks


Conference dinner - Thursday 24th January 2013 - Places limited, register soon

The conference dinner will take place at Ceno's, which is conveniently located next door to the Highfield House Hotel (details below). A delicious three-course meal will be served and you will be invited to choose amongst the following menu while drinks will be available to purchase at the bar:


Salmon fishcake, smoked salmon caeser salad
Shredded lamb, crunchy salad, Mongolian sauce
Spiced chick pea fritters, tomato, cucumber, coriander
Main course
Coq au vin, truffle oil mash, winter greens
Roast cod, mediterranean vegetable and white bean cassoulet, grilled piada
Butternut squash and lentil nut roast, sweet potatoes, onion gravy
Vanilla creme brûlée, garibaldi biscuit
Sticky toffee pudding, toffee sauce, ice cream
Warm chocolate brownie, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce

The meal is a great opportunity to share your work with your peers in a relaxed atmosphere. 
Fee: £30 

Overnight accommodation

You may wish to book overnight accommodation at one of the following places. They are located near to the University of Southampton Avenue Campus.
Highfield House Hotel
Elizabeth House Hotel
Jurys Inn

Please note that we are not taking accommodation bookings - these are only suggestions. 


We have a range of sponsorship options available. Please contact Laurence Georgin for further details.


To download the e-learning symposium poster, click on the image below:



This is a paying event. When registering please specify which days you wish to attend.  

REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON : Tuesday 22 January 2013 at 11.00am - all registrations and payments must be made before this time to secure your place.

Standard Concessionary rates (available for Postgraduate students)
£200 for both days
£125 for one day                                                                   
£80 for both days
£60 for one day

We will require the name and contact details of your tutor for Postgraduate students when submitting your registration form.

Cancellation charges
Please note that we reserve the right to retain half the registration fee if you do not notify us by Friday 11 January 2013 that you are unable to attend.  We will retain the whole registration fee after that date. Full details of our charging policy are available here.

Remember that you can apply for the HEA UK travel fund to cover travel, subsistence or conference fees for this event. To find out more, visit the HEA website.