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E-Learning Symposium 2012

Date: 26 January, 2012 - 27 January, 2012
Location: Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: Conference

Location map | Programme | Event report

Videos of sessions

Most of the sessions were recorded and are available to view. Sessions from the main track in Lecture Theatre A are also available in a full interactive version. You may need to install Microsoft Silverlight to view the full interactive videos. Slides for most presentations are also available. Find slides and videos by looking at the programme.

This event was supported by the Higher Education Academy.

Keynote Speakers :

Professor Claire Warwick, Professor of Digital Humanities; Head of the Department of Information Studies at University College London; Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities; and Vice-Dean for Research for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Mark Stansfield, Reader in Learning Technologies, University of the West of Scotland
Margaret Southgate, Senior Lecturer, Department of Languages, The Open University in Wales

About the event

This popular symposium is a 2-day event which combines practical activities and guidance with inspiring ideas to fuel the imagination!

  • Hear about the latest research and practice in technology-enhanced learning related to LLAS subjects and Higher education generally
  • attend our practical workshops for discussion, guidance and tips on teaching and learning with technology

Topics to be covered will include:

  • An exploration of the impact of technology on humanities research and teaching
  • Analysis of the power of game-based learning in student motivation and engagement for language learning
  • Description of research and key findings from a recent publication on effective methods for blended teaching
  • Using social media for peer feedback and discussion boards in translation classes
  • Blended approaches to pre-sessional courses for EAP students
  • Language learning in virtual worlds
  • Presentation of an e-tool linking issues of employability to language learning
  • Investigations into the use of Apps and smartphone technology in language learning
  • Student experiences of technology in different cultural contexts
  • Social networking in tandem learning
  • Blogs for Spanish medical students


Live Streaming

LLAS will be live streaming the three keynote speakers.  To view the livestream visit  All sessions will be recorded and available on our website after the event.
Please note: To watch the LLAS livestream you will require a computer that has Microsoft Silverlight installed. To check if you meet these requirements please vist

Twitter tags

Tweets about the conference use the twitter hashtag #LLASelearn12. We encourage you to tweet before, during and after the conference to share your experience with the whole community.

You can see what other attendees thought about the conference on Twitter, under the hash tag: #LLASelearn12 [Search results provided by (24th Jan - 23rd Feb 2012)].

Programme Day One - 26 January 2012

Day one of the symposium, on 26th January, will consist of a day of workshops which will include the following four options. Participants will be asked to select their preferred options in advance of the day.

Time Session
09.30 - 10.00 Registration, coffee and exhibition
10.00 - 10.15 Welcome
10.15 - 11.45 Workshops 1
11.45 - 12.45 Lunch
12.45 - 14.15 Workshops 2
14.15 - 14.45 Coffee break and exhibition
14.45 - 16.15 Workshops 3
16.15 Close

Day One - Workshops

1. Interactive WhiteBoards for language teachers – facilitated by Kevin Westbrook, Director of training, Pete Sharma Associates Ltd.

This is a taster session for teachers who want to understand how this sometimes contentious equipment can be used effectively to improve language teaching. It is aimed at teachers with no or limited experience of IWBs and will cover some basic principles, some more advanced techniques, and concrete examples of its application in the language classroom. You will have the opportunity to use interactive whiteboard software to practice some of the techniques you have learned.

2. Best practice with Moodle/VLEs for language teachers – facilitated by Kevin Westbrook, Director of training, Pete Sharma Associates Ltd.

As with any teaching tool, virtual learning environments should be used not as an end in themselves but as a means of improving the learning and teaching experience. This workshop is aimed at those teachers who want to learn about the use of VLEs in language teaching and will not only give an insight into best practice when using VLEs, but also show how the use of VLEs can help promote best practice in language teaching in general. *You will have the opportunity to use the popular, open-source VLE, Moodle to find out how easy it can be to use.

3. Interactive video creation for language immersion: putting choices and actions into words - facilitated by Julien Hamilton-Hart, University of Swansea

The creation of online video adventures in the target language, immerses students of foreign languages in word and action associations. The creation of video adventures involves the choices and stages inherent in completing any given action. By creating one-frame videos with Jaycut’s online video editor and hyper-linking the videos with annotations in YouTube, the student creates a linguistic situation that simulates the same linguistic pathways and associations as those involved in a real action. Once completed the video adventure can be deployed as a learning tool for others to use. This workshop will take participants through the creation of a simple online video adventure for language learning.

4. Understanding digital literacy for Higher Education, facilitated by Fiona Harvey and Lisa Harris, University of Southampton

What are digital literacies? What do we mean as educators and researchers when we talk about digital learners and education and research for 21st century? Fiona Harvey and Lisa Harris will run two interactive sessions exploring ideas around the issues that are raised for all of us as citizens in a digital society with particular reference to Higher Education. The sessions are informal and hope to stimulate debate and create resources to help us evaluate the best approaches for education and research. There will be an opportunity for collaborative working, using web based tools, within the session. pdf Slides (pptx 2.14 MB)

Programme Day Two- 27 January 2012





Registration, coffee and exhibition


Welcome and introduction
Vicky Wright, Deputy Director LLAS


Tweeting and teaching: how scholarly is social media?
pdf Slides (pptx 1.29 MB)
Claire Warwick, University College London


Language Teaching in Blended Contexts
pdf Slides (ppt 1.16 MB)
Margaret Southgate, The Open University in Wales


Coffee and exhibition


Parallel session 1:

Rethinking the employability agenda in languages through technology

pdf PDF (pdf 521.94 KB)
Filippo Nereo
University of Manchester


Apps for mobile learning: from theory to real world application
pdf Slides (ppt 15.94 MB)
Caroline Moore
LearnAhead Ltd


ePresessional: a blended approach to delivering pre-sessional courses in EAP for international students
Julie Watson and Steven White
University of Southampton


Publication and collaboration : publishing open research data and creating teaching resources for OpenLIVES project
pdf Slides (pptx 2.57 MB)
Alicia Pozo-Gutierrez and Irina Nelson
University of Southampton

 Watch the video


Technological diversity: an investigation into language learners' technology use inside and outside the classroom
pdf Slides (ppt 4.69 MB)
Billy Brick and Tiziana Cervi-Wilson
Coventry University


Language Learning in the Virtual World of English City: Using to Support International Learner Identity
Michael Thomas
University of Central Lancashire





 Lunch, exhibition and technology showcase
-  ARCHi21 Project pdf PDF (pdf 6.14 MB)
-  FAVOR Project
-  HumBox and LanguageBox
-  EAP toolkit pdf PDF (pdf 1.21MB)
-  Vanishing Boundaries

"Get your students thinking in a new language with Rosetta Stone"
Chris Hall, Rosetta Stone

"How a library of 400 online language courses can engage your students"
Steve Eatock, Eurotalk


Parallel session 2:

The Online Discussion Board for Translation - An Undergraduate MFL Perspective for the Study of Italian and Russian

pdf Slides (ppt 307.82 KB)

pdf Detailed slides (ppt 1.44 MB) Andrea Zhok and Elena McNeilly
University of Bristol


Using a social networking site to facilitate tandem language and culture learning
pdf PDF (pdf 915.57 KB)
Cathy Howard University of Surrey


The Use of technology to facilitate inter and extra Classroom interaction for learners of Portuguese as an additional foreign language
Antônio Márcio da Silva, Birkbeck University of London and Lúcia Rottava, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (RFRGS), Brazil


"How speech recognition technology can be used to practise and improve oral expression"
Denis Reybard
Tell me more


Using Social Media for peer-feedback in a translation class: a case-study
Benoît Guilbaud
Manchester Metropolitan University

Watch the video


Blog as a Tool to Develop Cultural Awareness in a Medical Spanish Programme
pdf Slides (ppt 723.5 KB)
Ana Nino Alonso and Sandra Torres,
University of Manchester


Students’ Experiences and Attitudes towards Using Social Networking Platforms in a Turkish EFL Context
pdf Slides (pptx 4.99 MB)
Zeynep Ersin
Yıldız Technical University, Turkey


Digital kitchen live video link
Anne Preston, Paul Seedhouse and Clare Hooper, Newcastle University
Link to the digital kitchen website :


Enhancing student engagement and motivation through games based learning
pdf Slides (ppt 4.32 MB)
Mark Stansfield, University of the West of Scotland


Closing remarks

Read all the abstracts here

You can also find this event on  and  

Past events

This event follows on from the success of the e-Learning symposiums in December 2005, February 2007 January 2008, January 2009, January 2010 and January 2011.

Event reports

Lecture Theatre A videos

Tweeting and teaching: how scholarly is social media?
Claire Warwick, University College London

Language Teaching in Blended Contexts
Margaret Southgate, The Open University in Wales

The Online Discussion Board for Translation - An Undergraduate MFL Perspective for the Study of Italian and Russian
Andrea Zhok and Elena McNeilly, University of Bristol

Using Social Media for peer-feedback in a translation class: a case-study
Benoît Guilbaud, Manchester Metropolitan University

Publication and collaboration : publishing open research data and creating teaching resources for OpenLIVES project
Alicia Pozo-Gutierrez and Irina Nelson, University of Southampton

Links to on-line reviews

Review of Day 1 & review of Day 2
Benoît Guilbaud, Manchester Metropolitan University

Review of Day 1 & 2
Lawal Muhammad, Queen Mary University of London