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Making Video for Language Learning and Teaching

Date: 17 November, 2012
Location: Centre for English Language Teaching, Vanbrugh College, University of York
Event type: Workshop

Location map | Programme

This practical workshop will introduce ELT professionals to the skills involved in making short video films to support teaching and learning. It will explore how to develop an idea into a film that can be exploited effectively in the classroom or in a self-access context. It will draw on the trainers’ experience of making such films for the Higher Education sector. They are joint authors of the recently published video-based course, Access UK.
Rather than attempt a full technical briefing, the workshop will help participants identify equipment appropriate to different purposes and skills they can draw on from technical colleagues in their own institutions. During the day, small groups will collaborate on conceiving and shooting a short film with the assistance of trainers.

ELT staff within Higher Education
Also of potential interest to ELT practitioners in Further Education and in the private sector, teachers of other languages and anyone with an interest in video and education.
As this a “hands-on” workshop, the number of participants will be limited to fifteen, thus allowing plenty of individual support from trainers.

Participants will:
• explore techniques of using video for language learning in the classroom and for self-access
• consider how to prepare content for a dramatised or factual film
• investigate production techniques for video / audio recording
• identify technical resources and support appropriate for different projects
• participate in conceiving and recording a short scene
• appreciate basic principles of editing

Chris Copland Huw LLewelyn-Jones
Huw is the Technical Supervisor for Centre for English Language Teaching at the University of York. Additionally he is a director of a company specialising in multimedia production for the Museum and Education sectors.
Chris is Senior Tutor in EFL at CELT. He has also worked at the Universities of London and Hong Kong and in various locations for the British Council.


There is a charge of £125 to attend this event.
Please note that we reserve the right to retain the fee of £125 if you do not notify us by Friday 9 November 2012 that you are unable to attend.
Full details of our charging policy are available here.

Remember that you can apply for the HEA UK travel fund to cover travel, subsistence or conference fees for this event. To find out more, visit the HEA website.



Morning Session
 Using video in the classroom and for self-access
Devising and preparing a project
Production techniques
Equipment, skills and levels of support
Afternoon Session
Project planning
Hands-on video shoot
Introduction to editing
After the session, the trainers will edit material produced and post it on a VLE site for participants to view.