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Digital literacy in the humanities: what open practice can do for you

Date: 7 November, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: Workshop

Location map | Programme

The focus of the workshop will be to show how engaging with open practice can enhance digital literacy of staff and students, and to show how using and publishing Open Educational Resources can be a bridge between humanities teaching and research. It will be an interactive session which will involve presentations, discussion and hands-on activities.
• To showcase and share the experiences of humanities academics who use and re-use open content in their work (research and teaching), including how they have used OERs with students
• To stimulate discussion of good practice in OER use in HE, and in use of open content with students
• To offer practical tips from experience on how to use and re-use OERs in research and teaching and shape a professional digital presence through publishing open resources
• To give hands-on practice with two teaching and learning repositories and a new OER remixing tool



This event is free to attend. It is part of the HEA OER seminar series.
Registration is essential as places are limited.
Please note that we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of £50 if you do not notify us by Friday 2 November that you are unable to attend.


Time Session
10.00 - 10.15 Registration and coffee
10.15 – 10.30 Introduction to HEA
An introduction to the work of the Higher Education Academy
10.30 – 11.00 Introduction and overview of OER project
Alison Dickens and Kate Borthwick (LLAS)
Introduction to the day and overview of LLAS-led OER projects and the different communities of humanities specialist who engaged with OER through the projects.
11.00 – 11.40 Digital literacy - what does it mean?
Fiona Harvey and Lisa Harris, University of Southampton
Presentation and short discussion exploring the defnition of 'digital literacy' and how the term may be interpreted in practice.
11.40 - 12.00 Break
12.00 – 12.40 Open Educational Resources : the landscape of use and reuse
Joanna Wild, University of Oxford
Presentation and discussion on recent findings from the OER Impact project, led by the University of Oxford. This session will focus on research into how staff and students in universities are currently embedding OERs into their teaching and learning, and indicate the conclusions and recommendations suggested by the project team.
12.40 – 13.40 Lunch
13.40 – 14.40 Creating and using open content in the humanities
Antonio Martinez-Arboleda, University of Leeds and Bianca Belgiorno-Appleyard, University of Southampton
Presentation: Case studies of how OERs are currently being used in research and teaching
Discussion: what are the benefits of using OERs in academic practice (to staff and students) and how can using OERs with students enhance digital literacy (staff and students)?
14.40 - 15.15 Hands-on practice with a teaching and learning repository for the humanities
Kate Borthwick (LLAS), University of Southampton

This session will involve a short introduction to the teaching and learning repositories, the HumBox and the LanguageBox. It will give participants the opportunity to create an account on the site and explore how to shape their digital presence using the features of the site, including using the new remixing tool to re-use the work of others.
15.15 - 15.30 Break
15.30 - 15.45 Session 5 : Feedback and reflection
Discussion : how might you use these tools in your own practice?