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A model for collaboration between HE and non-HE institutions in developing an Islamic Studies module (Qur’anic Arabic)

A wealth of expertise in teaching Islamic Studies (IS) exists in non-HE Muslim colleges. This project aims to help universities with little or no provision in IS to tap into this wealth by establishing mutually beneficial ties with such colleges. A model for cooperation between the University of Westminster and a London-based Muslim college in the area of Qur’anic Arabic could be replicated in this or other branches of IS by other universities. The partner college would gain prestige and good practice, while the university would benefit from the college’s expertise as it expands its IS provision.


April, 2011 - March, 2012

Key contact(s):

Rosemary Jarrar, University of Westminster

Funded by:

Higher Education Academy Islamic Studies Network

Download a copy of the final project report here


Islamic Studies Network

Further resources available on our website:

Islamic Studies at LLAS