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LLAS Event

llasevent icon(BRISMES) British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Annual Conference 2012
Event date: 26 March, 2012 - 28 March, 2012
Location: Middle East Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
llasevent iconResidential workshop for Islamic Studies PhD students
Event date: 16 February, 2011 - 17 February, 2011
Location: Conference Aston, Birmingham
llasevent iconPerspectives on Islamic Studies in higher education
Event date: 25 May, 2010 - 26 May, 2010
Location: Aston Business School, Birmingham


News item

news iconProject funding: Teaching about Islam and Muslims in languages, linguistics and area studies
The Islamic Studies Network brings together those working in Islamic Studies to enhance teaching and learning in higher education. Islamic Studies is an umbrella term for the academic study of Islam, Muslim cultures and societies and Islamic knowledge through a variety of subject areas and perspectives.
news iconFunding for Islamic Studies (deadline 21 May 2010)
The Islamic Studies Network invites applications for small project funding to enable the further development of good practice in teaching and learning within Islamic Studies and to facilitate wider sharing across the UK.
news iconJob vacancy: Academic Coordinator for Islamic Studies

The Higher Education Academy is working to establish a network for academics working in Islamic Studies. We are seeking an Academic Coordinator with the skills and experience to manage this work and lead a team of colleagues from across the Academy. Responsibilities will include managing the project, coordinating the Network, communicating and reporting to stakeholders - which includes Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and acting as a spokesperson for this important project.

news iconIslamic Studies Network online consultation

Following recommendations from HEFCE, a team from across the Higher Education Academy's subject network is working to build a national Islamic Studies network.

Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconMiddle Eastern Studies in the United Kingdom

The study of the Middle East in UK universities dates back at least to the seventeenth century. The Middle East is taught and researched by scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines and student numbers studying Middle Eastern languages and area studies have substantially increased in the last few years.