A Web-as-Corpus approach to populating Wikiversity for teaching about Islam and Muslims in language, linguistics and area studies
Wikiversity is an online open-source public repository for University-level teaching and learning materials, based on the Wikipedia architecture for “crowd-sourcing”: it relies on volunteers to collaborate by actively contributing their knowledge for the common good. Undoubtedly a wealth of learning resources exists on the WWW, but scattered on individual websites, in a wide range of formats and structures. Individual lecturers prepare online teaching materials to support their own teaching, but few know of Wikiversity, and few have time or inclination to take on the extra step of formally registering and uploading their materials to Wikiversity. This project aims to organise and semi-automate the harvesting of these scattered resources, by adapting Web-as-Corpus techniques from Corpus Linguistics.
April, 2011 - March, 2012
Key contact(s):
Eric Atwell and James Dickins, University of Leeds
Funded by:
Higher Education Academy Islamic Studies Network
Final Report
Final project report and Teaching resource pack for module Muslim Intellectual Encounter with Contemporary Thought
Download the report here
Download the teaching resource pack Appendix A here