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LLAS Event

llasevent iconThe interface between English Literature and English Language: innovation in curriculum development
Event date: 24 May, 2011
Location: Room 104, Fulton Building (marked 30 on campus map), University of Sussex
llasevent iconTeaching psycholinguistics
Event date: 20 June, 2008
Location: Essex University
llasevent iconSpecialist language degrees (25 Nov 05)
Event date: 25 November, 2005
Location: Goodenough College, London


News item

news iconInternationalisation of the curriculum and support for international students
As part of our programme of activity on the internationalisation of higher education the Higher Education Academy has commissioned a literature review and is putting out a call for case studies of practice in the areas of internationalisation of the curriculum and support for international students.


paper icon'English for Excellence': An innovative, comprehensive, web-based and tutor-supported programme of study in Academic English
This paper is a presentation of 'English for Excellence' (EfE): a web-based and tutor-supported programme of study in Academic English. The EfE is a project initiative jointly funded by the University of Luton and the Higher Education European Social Fund (HE ESF) programme, under the theme of Widening Participation. The paper discusses the research base of the teaching materials, their content and presentation, followed by interim evaluation results of its beneficiary effects on learners.
paper iconThe agony and the ecstasy: Integrating new literacies and reflective portfolio writing into the languages curriculum
This article reports on the impact of a curriculum innovation in the area of academic and professional skills for undergraduate linguists at Coventry University, the aims of which were to raise students' awareness of language learning processes and reflect upon their own learning. The authors that all involved found this curriculum development very beneficial.
paper iconLATCOF: Lessons from a secondary/sixth-form - HE consultative forum for language teachers
The University of Manchester has hosted a forum for dialogue between tertiary and secondary language teachers to share pedagogic and curricular experiences and realities with the aim of facilitating student progression and bridging the secondary-tertiary 'gaps'. Participants have been surveyed to assess the impact of the dialogue process on them and their practice and to start to identify issues of broader relevance to the sector as a whole. This paper reports the experience of participants and responses to the survey.