Materials Bank resources with this keyword
Portfolio: for Language Learning
- 24 October 2002
This portfolio was developed at the University of Central England and is based on the FDTL Translang (transferable skills in language learning) project materials. The TransLang approach was chosen as it aims to facilitate transferable skills in the learning and teaching of languages much more explicitly. Students are actively involved in planning their learning, monitoring their own progress and evaluating learning outcomes. The aims of the portfolio of independent work can be described as follows: - To provide a framework for independent work, especially in the light of reduced class contact time and a greater spread of ability levels because of the need to combine classes because of lower numbers. - To empower students and enable them to take more control over their learning. - To showcase language learning as a means of developing transferable and employability skills in undergraduate students.Self access: Worksheets for self access language centre
- 25 September 2002
Advice on: "Watching Films on Video"; "Taking Notes"; "Writing"; "Learning Vocabulary"; "Conversation Exchange" Template for student's "Activity Record" for language learning folderNavigate the keywords and themes to discover Materials Bank resources on those subjects.
Themes > Assessment > Portfolio

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