Papers and articles with this keyword
Case study: Lecturing in the target language to post A'level Spanish students: linguistic gains and pedagogical implications
- 25 January 2006
This case study aims to present the Spanish Cultural Studies lecture in the first year of the Modern Languages degree at the University of Bath as an example of how lecturing in the foreign language to post A-level learners can be linguistically fertile without neglecting the primary aim of the unit, namely to provide a conceptual and systematic introduction to Spanish culture in the 20th century.Iberian studies in the UK
- 27 February 2003
The article offers a brief history of the development of Spanish and Portuguese Studies in the UK and their inter-relatedness with Iberian, Hispanic, and Latin American Studies. It lays out current coverage of linguistics, film, gender, cultural, area, and literary studies relating to Spanish and Portuguese both at BA and MA level; it also covers the teaching of Portuguese language and, more briefly, Catalan and Galician languages and cultures.Latin American studies in the UK
Nikki Craske and Lewis Taylor - 27 September 2002
An outline of the development and current provision of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of Latin American Studies in UK universities. While concentrating on single honours and joint degrees, it also gives an indication of how Latin American themes are incorporated into other degree programmes.Navigate by theme to discover papers, articles and Good Practice Guides on the selected subjects.
Themes > Area Studies > Hispanic Studies
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