Materials Bank Item

This is a web-based introductory course in Stylistic Analysis created by Mick Short with funding from the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) prize. Stylistics is a systematic way of exploring (primarily literary) texts. It looks at the language of texts and tries to explain how that language creates meaning, style and effect. Language and Style covers all three major literary genres (poetry, prose and drama), and also other text-types e.g. advertisments.
Web Guide (GPG)

Writing is not only the process the writer uses to put words to paper but also the resulting product of that process. This process and product are also conditioned by the purpose and place of writing (its audience and genre). Writing in a second language is further complicated by issues of proficiency in the target language, first language literacy, and differences in culture and rhetorical approach to the text. Instruction in writing can effectively improve student proficiency in a number of key areas. Approaches to instruction have variously targeted process, product and purpose of writing. More recent approaches both to its teaching and assessment recognise the need to integrate all aspects of writing.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.