
News item

news iconSharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality (SPEAQ)
LLAS is leading on a new EU-funded project which will be using the LanQua Toolkit developed by our previous EU-funded language and quality network.
news iconLLAS success in bids for EU funded projects
LLAS has been successful in its bids for two EU-funded projects.
news iconThe LanQua Toolkit is now available online
The LanQua Toolkit is the main output of the Language Network for Quality Assurance (LanQua), a network of 60 teachers of languages and related studies across Europe which was coordinated by LLAS and funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Erasmus Network programme.

LLAS Event

llasevent iconUsing the National Student Survey to improve student learning
Event date: 22 June, 2011
Location: Boardroom, Woburn House Conference Centre 20 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconExternal examining in the humanities
Event date: 18 February, 2011
Location: The University of Sheffield, Exhibition Space, Jessop West Building
llasevent iconLanguages in higher education 2010: raising the standard for languages
Event date: 1 July, 2010 - 2 July, 2010
Location: Etc venues, London, SE1 1GA


paper iconExternal examining: issues in languages, linguistics and area studies
This is a brief report on the issues raised at the LLAS discussion group at “External examining in the humanities” held at the University of Sheffield on 18 February 2011. Please contact John Canning with any comments or suggestions about how LLAS might support current and future external examiners. Further resources from the workshop including a presentation on UUK’s review of external examining are available from the workshop website