LLAS Event

Event date: 4 March, 2009
Location: Loughview Suite, Jordanstown Campus, University of Ulster

This article outlines issues about the status and nature of pedagogic research in the present intellectual and evaluative environment of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.

The author starts her presentation with the historical background and current trends towards the application of the Common European Framework (CEF) in Slovak schools. Giving an example of an English course for Social Sciences, she then describes the specific phases of the application of the CEF.
News item

The Palgrave Macmillan and Times Higher Humanities and Social Sciences Writing Prize 2004 is looking for well written essays aimed at academics yet accessible to all. The writing must be your original work and not exceed 3,000 words. Closing date 24th September 2004.
Area Studies Collection

One of the most important Latin American library collections in Europe. Holdings total c.80,000 monographs and over 1,600 journals of which about 100 are current. The collection is not housed separately but is integrated into the main stock of the University Library and dispersed throughout it on a subject basis. All items are recorded in the Library's online catalogue.

This collection was donated by Stephen Riley and reflects his interests in Development Studies. It also contains material on Social Sciences, Politics, African Studies and Economics. It dates from c.1950 and the items are in English or German.
Web Guide (GPG)

The content of New Zealand Studies teaching in the UK is outlined in sections covering Literature, Film, Geography, Social Sciences, History, Tourism and Sport. Links to resources available in print and on the Internet are provided.

Discusses the origins of different area studies programmes (e.g. of American studies, Russian studies, European studies). Defines the relationship of area studies to social sciences. Assesses the current situation of, and logistical challenges to, social science teaching in area studies. Gives pointers to future developments.

This note is intended for teachers of courses with titles like 'Language in Society'. It outlines some key themes of current social theory that are relevant to linguistics, and suggests some areas of linguistics that may be of interest to social scientists. It includes some suggested web sites and further readings.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.