News item

The Centre for Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning at the University of Ulster aims to develop appropriate teaching methods that fully engage students in their own learning through the integration of Information and Communication Technology into classroom teaching. The Centre would like to invite proposals for the development of projects that would facilitate language teaching and learning in a multimedia laboratory. Project proposals are welcome from individuals as well as teams. Successful applicants will receive an award of a maximum of £3000, depending on the scope of the project. This funding may used for development of course materials or software creation, for example.

Funding targets greater understanding of China, Japan, Eastern Europe and Arabic-speaking world.

Marina Mozzon-McPherson, Senior Learning Advisor at the University of Hull has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship for her contribution to excellence in teaching and learning. Marina was one of only fifty teaching staff nation-wide to receive a £50,000 prize awarded by the Higher Education Academy and the Higher Education Funding Council in 2004.

74 Centres for Excellence in Learning and Teaching will be established in 2005 using HEFCE funding. A list of the successful bids is now available on the HEFCE website.

Find out more about the recurrent and capital funding opportunities available through HEFCE's Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
LLAS Event

Event date: 9 June, 2008
Location: University of Bristol, School of Chemistry, Lecture Theatre 4

Event date: 25 April, 2008
Location: Sheffield Hallam University, Owen Building, Room 223

Event date: 18 March, 2004
Location: Scottish CILT, Management Centre, University of Stirling
Web Guide (GPG)

The Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Languages of the Wider World (LWW) is hosted jointly by the School for African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) and University College London (UCL). Funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), it was set up in 2005 and is one of only two CETLs in the UK devoted to language learning and teaching and learning.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.