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News item

news iconMultimedia Lab Teaching Awards 2009/2010

The Centre for Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning (CEMLL) invites proposals for the development of projects that facilitate language teaching and learning in a multimedia laboratory.

LLAS Event

llasevent iconEnquiry-based learning in languages
Event date: 26 September, 2008
Location: University of Manchester


paper iconThe agony and the ecstasy: Integrating new literacies and reflective portfolio writing into the languages curriculum
This article reports on the impact of a curriculum innovation in the area of academic and professional skills for undergraduate linguists at Coventry University, the aims of which were to raise students' awareness of language learning processes and reflect upon their own learning. The authors that all involved found this curriculum development very beneficial.
paper iconCollaborative writing in Russian with shared text editor
A shared text editor was introduced into a Russian class in writing skills and used over a period of four years. It was initially adopted for its potential practical advantages over a traditional classroom whiteboard. Its use has led to new language learning activities that have contributed to the whole language programme and the writing class has become more integrated into the language programme as a whole. Opportunities for sharing and collaboration have been greatly increased and the role of the teacher has changed.
paper icon'Sharing Words': Conversation, collaboration and cultural connections
This paper examines the way in which native speakers of taught languages can be mobilised by universities for use in outreach activities. The authors suggest an empowering approach to facilitate cross-cultural communication. A questionnaire following such a scheme was administered to AS and A2 students, the results of which showed several benefits to the learners.