News item
In September 2006, the Secretary of State asked Lord Dearing to advise him on how a recovery from the falling take-up of Languages at Key Stage 4 might be achieved. The interim consultation and final report have now been published.
An article on the BBC News website, 13th July 2005, reports that a pilot scheme promoting modern languages in primary schools is proving successful.
An article on the Wired-GOV website, 12th August 2004, announces that Schools Minister Stephen Twigg is backing a series of Olympic themed activities which summer schools can use to raise young peoples interest in foreign languages and other cultures.
LLAS Event
Event date: 16 June, 2006
Location: University of East Anglia
In September 2003, Leeds Metropolitan University started delivering a new French specialist route on its BA(Hons) Primary Education and was paired with the IUFM of Montpellier in France. As lecturers from both institutions started collaborating together, we decided to look into the use of the Common European Framework and in particular the European Language Portfolio (ELP) as tools offering an element of commonality between France and the UK. How is the use of these interpreted differently in both countries? How much do these interpretations reflect a different approach to language learning and the means to achieve that learning?
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