LLAS Event

Event date: 1 July, 2010 - 2 July, 2010
Location: Etc venues, London, SE1 1GA

Event date: 12 May, 2006
Location: Senate House, Malet Street, University of London

With the transition from school to Higher Education students are expected to adapt to a new learning environment and to new demands and expectations. As a consequence, during their first year in a Modern Languages Department some learners may have problems learning the language efficiently. They may either be unaware of the new demands, or have difficulties learning in the new situation. Based on the changes in the learning situation caused by the transition from school to university, I shall use a single case study in order to describe some possible negative effects of a mismatch between institutional and students' expectations on the motivational disposition of the students.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.