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LLAS Event

llasevent iconMeeting the current challenges: the humanities and employability, entrepreneurship and employer engagement
Event date: 23 October, 2009
Location: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconEmployability and professional learning
Event date: 25 April, 2008
Location: Sheffield Hallam University, Owen Building, Room 223
llasevent iconTeaching translation (20 Jan 06)
Event date: 20 January, 2006
Location: Callaghan Lecture Theatre, James Callaghan Building, University of Wales, Swansea


paper iconCommercial awareness and employability
Although commercial awareness may not always be addressed in a classroom setting, it is a skill that students applying to graduate recruiters will benefit from nurturing. This short article outlines some of the ways in which employers may require potential employees to demonstrate this attribute.