VLEs: Making the best use of virtual learning environments (VLEs) for language learning
Authors: Barbara Scott and Christine Lyne
© Faculty of Organisation and Management, Sheffield Hallam University
This handbook was created for a Subject Centre 'Workshop to Go' by Christine Lyne and Barbara Scott. The 37 page booklet contains general guidance on the use of VLEs for language learning and practical advice on how to design and deliver effective on-line learning materials.Format:
Rich text format (449Kb)
Access to materials
Download handbook: Making the best use of virtual learning environments (VLEs) for language learning.
Contents of handbook:
- The functions of a VLE
- Planning a VLE course
- Designing a VLE course
- Accessibility
- Copyright
- On-line learning materials
- Creating on-line learning materials
- The Gradebook
- Workshop activities

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