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Italian: Le Varietà dell'italiano

Authors: Cecilia Goria and Marisa Marmo

© Cecilia Goria & Marisa Marmo, University Of Nottingham


Materials for advanced (post A-levels) students of Italian which comprise a language package which focuses on the varieties of the Italian language. The aim is to develop students' awareness of the different registers of the standard language, of the main features of regional Italian, of the linguistic tools employed in the sectoral language and of the most significant linguistic aspects that characterize the speech of a number of selected Italian films.



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In particular the project will involve a linguistic analysis of material representative of the different varieties of Italian. These include:

  • the formal register (written and spoken)
  • the language of the media: TV (i.e. news, advertising, soaps); press (i.e. newspapers and magazines)
  • the language of technology
  • the language used by politicians
  • regional Italian

The study of all selected samples involves a lexico-stylistic analysis as well as an analysis of the morpho-syntactic features, and, where appropriate, of the phonetic features that emerge from each variety.