Marwell Hotel (within Marwell Wildlife Park and Zoo)
June 21, 2015 – June 26, 2015
This Summer School is organised within the framework of the EU COST Action TD1103 "Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI" ( The main purpose of the school is to train the young generation of scientists (PhD's and PostDocs) working in the field of magnetic resonance in novel methodologies for nuclear spin hyperpolarisation. For this purpose the school will discuss several hyperpolarisation techniques:
at 4 different levels: Theory, Simulations, Instrumentation and Applications.
The school is coordinated by Giuseppe Pileio (University of Southampton, UK) and Björn Corzilius (Goethe University Frankfurt, DE); It boasts a rich list of top class teachers and scientists whose researches have contributed to estabilish the field of nuclear spin hyperpolarisation:
The school is open to PhD's, PostDocs and early career scientists but we can allow only a total number of 30 participants. Places will be assigned on a first come first served base so please do not wait the last minute to register! People from countries enrolled in the COST Action are entitled to a fixed reimbursement of 500€ (for a list of enrolled countries see here). Every participants is due to submit an abstract for a poster to be carried at the summer school. The submission of a poster abstract is mandatory to get a place at the school. |
The meeting is sponsored by:
Student Attendance Support:

Gold Sponsorship:

Silver Sponsorship:
Conference Information

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