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Burns, Inna, Brockington and Associates, Inc.
Bustillo, Andres, University of Burgos
Butcher, Anthony, University of Portsmouth
Butina, Eva, Institute for the protection of cultural heritage of Slovenia, Centre for preventive archaeology
Byrne, Patrick Joseph, <p>University of the Witwatersrand</p><p>Johannesburg</p><p>South Africa</p>


Cabell, Randolph H, NASA Langley Research Center
Caceres-Cruz, Jose, UOC-IN3
Caiazzo, Anna, KU Leuven
Callieri, Marco, <span>V.C.L.&nbsp;</span><span>Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) National Research Council (CNR) Pisa, Italy &nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
Callieri, Marco, Visual computing Lab, ISTI - CNR
Camerieri, Paolo, Regione Umbria
Campbell, Edie, <p>University of Southampton - tutor on SSU 2</p><p>Medical role play at Southampton since 1998</p>
Camperi, Stefano, University of Southampton Engineering and Environment Faculty Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Camporeale, Stefano, University of Siena
Canals, Antoni, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Institut Catala de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolucio Social
Caneva, Giacomo, <p>Università degli Studi di Padova</p>
Cañizares, Alicia, University of Santiago de Compostela
Canor, T., F.R.S.-FNRS, National Fund for Scientific Research<br />University of Liege<br />
Canor, Thomas, University of Liège, Belgium
Cantinaud, Olivier, Dassault Aviation
Cantoro, Gianluca, Institute for Mediterranean Studies - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMS-FORTH), Greece
Cao, Rui, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 177 S. Russell St., West Lafayette IN 47907-2099, USA
Capiez-Lernout, Evangeline, <p>MSME UMR CNRS 8208</p><p>Université Paris-Est</p>
Capozzi, Andrea, Institute of Physics of Biological Systems - EPFL
Cappelli, Sara, University of Siena

251 - 275 of 2388 Items    << < 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 > >> 

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