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Laganà, Demetrio, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering University of Calabria Ponte Pietro Bucci, building 41/C 87036 Rende (CS) Italy
Lai, Guanyu, <p>University of Bath</p>
Lai, Michela, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Italy,
Lambers, Karsten, University of Bamberg
Lamont-Robinson, Dr Catherine, <p>Out of Our Heads</p><p><strong>(Medical Arts Online at University of Bristol Medical School. )</strong></p>
Lancelotti, Carla, CASES. Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)
Lancelotti, Carla, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)
Lancelotti, Carla, CASES IMF and CCHS Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain)
Lancelotti, Carla, CASES, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals and Cientro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, National Spanish Research Council (IMF and CCHS -CSIC)
Lang, Adlai, University of Sheffield
Lang, Matthias, Arch&auml;ologisches Institut und Sammlung der Gipsabg&uuml;sse Georg-August-Universit&auml;t G&ouml;ttingen
Langener, Tobias, ESA
Langley, Maia, FCT Investigator, Lisbon, Portugal
Langley, Robin S., University of Cambridge, Engineering Department
Laporte, Gilbert
Laporte, Gilbert (Canada)
Laporte, Gilbert, HEC Montreal
Larsen, Rune, DTU Transport, Technical University of Denmark
Larsson, Carolina, <div><span>Humanities&nbsp;</span><span>Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden</span></div>
Las Casas, Estevam Barbosa, <p>Department of Structural Engineering</p><p>Federal University of Minas Gerais</p><p>Av. Antônio Carlos 6627</p><p>Belo Horizonte, 30270-901</p>
Lätti, Priit, Curator of Archaeological Collections, Institute of History, Tallinn University, Estonia
Laurent, COSTA, UMR 7041 ArScAn - Arch&eacute;ologies et Sciences de l'Antiquit&eacute;
Lavazec, Deborah, <p>Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Laboratoire Navier</p><p>Université Paris-Est, MSME</p>
Lazar, Irina Florentina, University of Bristol
Le Couédic, Mélanie, CNRS -Universit&eacute; Fran&ccedil;ois Rabelais de Tours

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