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Yasaka, Takeshi, Niigata University
Yashar, Ahmed, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton.
YASUDA, Masashi, <p>Researcher, Kyoto Univ.Dept. of Science and Mechanical Engineering,<span class="hps">Graduate School of Enginnering</span></p><p><span class="hps">yoshidahonmachi,sakyoku,kyoto city,kyoto,606-8501 Japan</span></p><p> </p>
Yazawa, Miki, Tokyo University of Science, Suwa
Yazdabad, Mohamad, Master of science in civil engineering, isfahan university of technology
Ye, Ting, <html />
Yenigün, Hüsnü
Yıldız, Ezgi
Yin, Lianhao, Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University
Yin, Xian-Tao, Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics
Yinka-Adebisi, Adeleke, University of SOuthampton
Yokoyama, Makoto, Niigata University
Yoshida, Hidehisa, <p>National Defense Academy</p>
Yu, Xun, New York Institute of Technology
Yuan, Kai
Yubero-Gomez, Maria, University of Barcelona
Zagdoun, Alexandre, CRMN - ISA - ENS Lyon
ZAGHARI, BAHAREH, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research<br />
Zambanini, Sebastian, Computer Vision Lab, Vienna University of Technology
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