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Schulz, Frank, PTV Group Haid-und-Neu-Str. 15 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Schulze, Alexander, BTU Cottbus
Scopigno, Roberto, <div>Visual Computing Lab - ISTI - CNR</div>
Scopigno, Roberto, Visual computing Lab, ISTI - CNR
Seco, Luis Gonçalves, Geo-Space Sciences Research Centre (CICGE), Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Porto-Portugal
Segain, Ellebore, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research - INRAP
Segura, Esther, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Institute of Engineering C.U. Coyoacan 04510, D.F., México
Seifried, Robert, Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Seiler, Florian, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
Seino, Yoichi, Kyoto University
Seino, Yoichi, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Seki, Kenta, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Sekiguchi, Kazuma, Tokyo City University
Sekiguchi, Kazuma, TokyoCityUniversity
Sekiguchi, Kazuma
Sekiya, Yoshifumi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisha University
Selway, Michael, System Simulation
Senapati, Uday, <p>Bentley Motors Limited</p><p>Crewe</p><p>Cheshire</p>
Senarclens de Grancy, Gerald, Institute of Production and Operations Management<br /> School of Social and Economic Sciences<br /> University of Graz
Serreta, Alfredo, Universidad de Zaragoza. Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca.
Sestieri, Aldo, Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica ed Aerospaziale
Seta, Hiroaki, National Institute of Technology, Toba College
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