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Srinil, Narakorn, Newcastle University
Stal, Cornelis, Ghent University
Stancioiu, Dan, <p>School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations</p><p>Liverpool John Moores University</p>
Stapleton, Mike, System Simulation
Starossek, Uwe, Hamburg University of Technology
Steemans, Philippe, Paléobotanique, Paléopalynologie, Micropaléontologie (PPM), Department of Geology, University of Liège,<em></em> B-18, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège 1.<em></em>
Stein, Jeffrey A., <p>National Petrographic Services, Inc.</p>
Stephenson, Michael Henry, British Geological Survey
Sterle, Claudio, Department of Computer Science and Systems, University "Federico" of Naples
Stevanato, Gabriele, University of Southampton
Stevenson, James
Stoddart, Simon Kenneth, University of Cambridge
Story, Stacy L., <p><em>Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA</em></p>
Storz, Christoph, University of Vienna
Stoten, David Paul, <p class="JT-Belonging">Advanced Control and Test Laboratory (ACTLab), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK</p>
Stott, David, University of Leeds
Stott, David, The University of Leeds
Stoyko, Darryl Keith, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Manitoba and Stress Engineering Services Canada
Strange-Walker, David, Trent & Peak Archaeology, York Archaeological Trust
Straughair, Collette, NMC
Streel, Maurice, University of Liège, belgium Department of Geology
Strother, Paul Klee, Géosystèmes, Université Lille 1 and Weston Observatory, Boston College
151 - 175 of 208 Items << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > >>

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