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Strother, Paul Klee, <p><em><sup>1</sup>Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Boston College, Weston, Massachusetts;</em></p><p><em>&nbsp;<sup>3</sup>D&eacute;pt. Sciences de la Terre, Universit&eacute; de Lille 1, FRE 3298 CNRS "G&eacute;osyst&egrave;mes", 59655 Vi
Strutt, Kris, University of Southampton
Strutt, Kristian, University of Southampton
Strutt, Kristian, University of Southampton
Strutt, kristian, <div><div>University of Southampton</div></div>
Strutt, Kristian David, University of Southampton
Su, Changwei, Naval University of Engineering
Su, Dongxu, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
Subramanian, Anand, Departamento de Engenharia de Producao, Univeritade Federal da Paraiba<br />


subramanian, anand, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Departamento de Engenharia de Producao, Centro de Tecnologia, Campus I - Bloco G, Cidade Universitaria, Joao Pessoa-PB, 58051-970, Brazil


Subramanian, Anand, Universidade Federal da Paraiba
SUCIU, Barenten, Fukuoka Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering
SUCIU, Barenten, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering
Suda, Yoshihiro, University of Tokyo
Sueoka, Atsuo, Kyushu Polytechnic College
Sueoka, Atsuo, Kyushu Polytechnic College (Japan)
Sun, Beibei, Southeast University
Sun, Wenjing, <p>School of Mechanical Engeering, Tongji University</p><p>Institute of Rail and Transit, Tongji University</p>
Sun, Xiaojuan, Doctor in School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast universtiy, Nanjing, China
Sundell, Tarja, University of Helsinki, Finland
Sundell, Tarja, University of Helsinki
Suzuki, Katsumasa
Suzuki, Masayasu, Utsunomiya University
Suzuki, Naito, Tokyo City University
Suzuki, Satoshi, Shinshu University

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