Friday Seminar:
Our seminars are usually held on Fridays at 1:15pm (student session starts at 1:00pm). The seminar organiser is Ömer Gürdoğan  (hepsem at

Thank you to all the speakers and participants who are contributing to this season's talks.
(SHEP event calendar view
and iCal feed)

Next seminar:
Past and upcoming seminars:
Speaker Title Date Room
Fedor Bezrukov What do we know about quantum corrections to Higgs Inflation? Fri, 31/05/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Congkao Wen Modular Forms and U(1)-violating amplitudes in type IIB superstring theory. Fri, 24/05/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Urs Wenger Supersymmetric field theories on the lattice - avoiding the sign problem in the canonical formulation Fri, 17/05/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Jan Plefka New relations for graviton-matter amplitudes Fri, 10/05/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Andreas Kronfeld Quark Masses Fri, 29/03/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Danny Marfatia New neutrino interactions Fri, 22/03/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Jack Y. Araz E_6-Inspired U(1)’-Extended MSSM: From Dark Matter to LHC Fri, 08/03/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Fiorenza Donato Cosmic rays and dark matter in the galaxy Fri, 01/03/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Gavin Salam Insights into the logarithmic accuracy of parton showers Fri, 08/02/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room
Michele Della Morte Including isospin breaking corrections on the lattice Fri, 01/02/2019 - 13:00 Seminar Room


Past seminars:
2012/13 seminars: first term.
2011/12 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2010/11 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2009/10 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2008/09 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2007/08 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2006/07 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2005/06 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2004/05 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2003/04 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2002/03 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2001/02 seminars: first, second and third terms.
2000/01 seminars: first, second and third terms.
1999/00 seminars: first, second and third terms.
1998/99 seminars: first, second and third terms.