Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has been missing since 8th March 2014 and has still not been found. It was seen taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 00:41 local time and was due to hove back into view at 06:30 as it landed at Beijing Capital International Airport. In the interval, it was scheduled to lead a double life, in the usual way, as a radar trace handed over from one Air Traffic Control (ATC) system to the next. This interval has now expanded from 6 hours to 13 days. Malaysia Airlines initially announced at 07:24 that the jet had disappeared from Subang ATC radar at 2:40, but later revised this time to 01.22. The craft slipped from Malaysian military radar at 02:15 and its final ‘ping’ was picked up by the London-based Inmarsat satellite at 08:11. Since then, the plane has shown no signs of electromagnetic life. Only a renewed human sighting is now capable of confirming its return to existence. MH370 has become lost in time. For a parallel in folklore, see