As recently mentioned by Nick, he has been contacted by a BBC journalist who was researching developments in social media around the Typhoon in the Philippines. They made this film in response

MicroMappers ( have produced a number of crowdsourcing apps to help categorise tweets. They call their apps ‘Clickers’, for example TweetClicker is an application in which users select a fitting (pre-defined) category for a (text) tweet. Of note is that they work in partnership with UN OCHA, which means the crowd-filtered information has potential to actually be used in the response on the ground. 

Behind MicroMappers is a team around Patrick Meier (former Director of Crisis Mapping at Ushahidi). More information on the project and the team here:

Of more general relevance to ORCHID, there is also a really interesting recent article on Wired (September 30), that talks about this project: AIDR (Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Response) from the self-same group around Patrick Meier at the Qatar Computing Research Institute