Interesting report by Rescue Global on their September 2013 deployment in India to monitor the wide-scale flooding in Uttarakhand. Strategic (or Gold) command was based at the organisation’s London HQ, a tactical (or Silver) command post was established at the military airbase in Dehradun, while field operatives (at the Bronze level) were flown by helicopter to one of the first-hit regions in the Kedarnath Temple area. The team gathered still images, video and audio and interviewed eyewitnesses. They also collated and geotagged phonecam footage from locals. The information was fed back to London HQ for real-time analysis and mapping. All this was accomplished in 3 days, with Rescue Global reliant on its own power, food and water in order not to use up local resources. Unlike most humanitarian organisations, Rescue Global makes a point of getting to a disaster zone within the first 72 hours. Impressive!