Position: Professor of Theoretical Physics
Professor Nick Evans wanted to join Southampton because of its broad expertise across the research area of theoretical physics.
Success at Southampton
“The Southampton High Energy Physics Theory Group is one of the most diverse in the UK with expertise in collider physics, the strong and weak nuclear forces, formal field theory and quantum gravity string theory. There’s always lots going on and lots to learn.
“We’ve been a growing department on all fronts for many years. We have done well in our research assessments which has led to new top class people joining us.
“The atmosphere at Southampton is one of success and promise for the future which infects one’s own work.”
My role
“I have a very mixed role in Physics and Astronomy. About half my time is spent on my research into the strong nuclear force beyond the standard model physics and quantum gravity.
“I also teach a first year course on Electricity and Magnetism, am Departmental Exams Officer, and maintain a range of outreach activities including an annual particle physics masterclass and the SETI Challenge competition for GCSE and A level students.”
Career highlights
“A paper I wrote in my first few years at Southampton about the gravitational description of the mass generation mechanism in quantum chromodynamics is certainly the best of my career.
“I also wrote a popular science novel The Newtonian Legacy that received a lot of media attention and appeared in the Times Higher Education Supplement and The Independent.
“Being appointed a professor here at Southampton – a Russell Group university – is certainly a highlight and I hope reflects the strength of my work across the University and my research field.
“I also received Best Lecturer in the faculty at the Southampton University Students’ Union Excellence in Teaching Awards and think I will be remembered as that lecturer in the first year who was slightly too excited about electricity and magnetism!”