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WWW2009 EPrints

Items from User Interfaces and Mobile Web track

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Group by: No Grouping | Creators
Number of items: 6.

Annam, Srinivas

Hailpern, Joshua and Guarino-Reid, Loretta and Boardman, Richard and Annam, Srinivas WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World.

Arase, Yuki

Arase, Yuki and Xie, Xing and Duan, Manni and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images.

Baluja, Shumeet

Gossweiler, Rich and Kamvar, Maryam and Baluja, Shumeet What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation.

Boardman, Richard

Hailpern, Joshua and Guarino-Reid, Loretta and Boardman, Richard and Annam, Srinivas WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World.

Braganza, Cameron

Braganza, Cameron and Marriott, Kim and Moulder, Peter and Wybrow, Michael and Dwyer, Tim Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout.

Duan, Manni

Arase, Yuki and Xie, Xing and Duan, Manni and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images.

Dwyer, Tim

Braganza, Cameron and Marriott, Kim and Moulder, Peter and Wybrow, Michael and Dwyer, Tim Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout.

Gossweiler, Rich

Gossweiler, Rich and Kamvar, Maryam and Baluja, Shumeet What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation.

Guarino-Reid, Loretta

Hailpern, Joshua and Guarino-Reid, Loretta and Boardman, Richard and Annam, Srinivas WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World.

Hailpern, Joshua

Hailpern, Joshua and Guarino-Reid, Loretta and Boardman, Richard and Annam, Srinivas WEB 2.0: Blind to an Accessible New World.

Hara, Takahiro

Arase, Yuki and Xie, Xing and Duan, Manni and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images.

Kamvar, Maryam

Kamvar, Maryam and Kellar, Melanie and Patel, Rajan and Xu, Ya Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my!

Gossweiler, Rich and Kamvar, Maryam and Baluja, Shumeet What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based on Image Orientation.

Kellar, Melanie

Kamvar, Maryam and Kellar, Melanie and Patel, Rajan and Xu, Ya Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my!

Ma, Wei-Ying

Zheng, Yu and Zhang, Lizhu and Xie, Xing and Ma, Wei-Ying Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories.

Marriott, Kim

Braganza, Cameron and Marriott, Kim and Moulder, Peter and Wybrow, Michael and Dwyer, Tim Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout.

Moulder, Peter

Braganza, Cameron and Marriott, Kim and Moulder, Peter and Wybrow, Michael and Dwyer, Tim Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout.

Nishio, Shojiro

Arase, Yuki and Xie, Xing and Duan, Manni and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images.

Patel, Rajan

Kamvar, Maryam and Kellar, Melanie and Patel, Rajan and Xu, Ya Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my!

Wybrow, Michael

Braganza, Cameron and Marriott, Kim and Moulder, Peter and Wybrow, Michael and Dwyer, Tim Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout.

Xie, Xing

Arase, Yuki and Xie, Xing and Duan, Manni and Hara, Takahiro and Nishio, Shojiro A Game Based Approach to Assign Geographical Relevance to Web Images.

Zheng, Yu and Zhang, Lizhu and Xie, Xing and Ma, Wei-Ying Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories.

Xu, Ya

Kamvar, Maryam and Kellar, Melanie and Patel, Rajan and Xu, Ya Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my!

Zhang, Lizhu

Zheng, Yu and Zhang, Lizhu and Xie, Xing and Ma, Wei-Ying Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories.

Zheng, Yu

Zheng, Yu and Zhang, Lizhu and Xie, Xing and Ma, Wei-Ying Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 15 08:40:33 2019 GMT.

About this site

This website has been set up for WWW2009 by Christopher Gutteridge of the University of Southampton, using our EPrints software.


We (Southampton EPrints Project) intend to preserve the files and HTML pages of this site for many years, however we will turn it into flat files for long term preservation. This means that at some point in the months after the conference the search, metadata-export, JSON interface, OAI etc. will be disabled as we "fossilize" the site. Please plan accordingly. Feel free to ask nicely for us to keep the dynamic site online longer if there's a rally good (or cool) use for it... [this has now happened, this site is now static]