Number of items at this level: 57.
Qurbanov, Dinar
Sentence syntax trees should be made from morphemes. Semantically ordered trees.
Casares, Ramón
Universal Grammar Is a Universal Grammar.
Casares, Ramón
Resolution Machinery.
Mondal, Prakash
Can Internalism and Externalism be Reconciled in a Biological Epistemology of Language?
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Brillowski, Dr. Claus
From Domains Towards a Logic of Universals: A Small Calculus for the Continuous Determination of Worlds.
Clark, Miss Victoria L
Teacher's Book for Body Image.
Clark, Miss `Victoria L
Teaching Body Image to EFL Teenagers.
Harnad, Stevan
Why and How the Problem of the Evolution of Universal Grammar (UG) is Hard.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
(In Press)
Evola, Vito
Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul
in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English.
[Conference Poster]
Zakharyaschev, Ivan
Type logic served by co-Merge, Merge and Move: an account for sluicing and questions of `common European' and Japanese types.
[Conference Paper]
Situngkir, Hokky
Regimes in Babel are Confirmed: Report on Findings in Several Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Situngkir, Hokky
An Observational Framework to the Zipfian Analysis among Different Languages: Studies to Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Evola, Vito
St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World.
[Conference Paper]
Evola, Vito
Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo.
[Conference Paper]
Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. and Zelberg, Dr. J.B.
Complex sentence as a structure for representing knowledge.
Roberts, Mark D.
P-model Alternative to the T-model.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ball, Dr. Jerry T.
A Bi-Polar Theory of Nominal and Clause Structure and Function.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Stepak, Asa M
Frequency Value Grammar and Information Theory.
Thomsen, Dr. Knud
Short remarks on the hierarchical structure recently found in all languages by Guglielmo Cinque.
Parisse, Christophe
Simple principles for a complex output: An experiment in early syntactic development.
Hershberg, Uri and Efroni, Sol
The immune system and other cognitive systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Horsey, Richard
Review of A. Cormack’s "Definitions".
[Journal (Paginated)]
Hoen, Michel and Dominey, Peter-Ford
ERP analysis of cognitive sequencing : a left-anterior negativity related to structural transformation processing.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Josephson, Brian D.
Constructional Tools as the Origin of Cognitive Capacities.
[Conference Paper]
Lotfi, Ahmad Reza
Semantico-Phonetic Form: A Unitarianist Grammar.
Friederici, Angela D. and Schlesewsky, Matthias and Fiebach, Christian J.
Wh-movement vs. scrambling: The brain makes a difference.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Akman, Varol
Book Review--Ronald Cole (editor-in-chief), Joseph Mariani, Hans Uszkoreit, Annie Zaenen, and Victor Zue, eds., Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Gutt, Dr Ernst-August
Logical connectives, relationships and relevance.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol and Alpaslan, Ferda N.
Strawson on Intended Meaning and Context.
[Conference Paper]
Akman, Varol
Book Review--Jaap van der Does and Jan van Eijk, eds., Quantifiers, Logic, and Language.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Horsey, Richard
Null Arguments in English Registers: A Minimalist Account.
Bayraktar, Murat and Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
An Analysis of English Punctuation: The Special Case of Comma.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Hurford, James R and Kirby, Simon
Co-Evolution of Language-Size and the Critical Period.
[Book Chapter]
Muskens, Reinhard and Krahmer, Emiel
Description Theory, LTAGs and Underspecified Semantics.
[Conference Paper]
Hurford, James R
The evolution of language and languages.
[Book Chapter]
Hurford, Jim
Functional Innateness: explaining the critical period for language acquisition.
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
An Information-Based Treatment of Punctuation in Discourse Representation Theory.
[Book Chapter]
Hurford, Jim
The interaction between numerals and nouns.
Hurford, Jim
The interaction between numerals and nouns.
[Book Chapter]
Bogatyrev, Konstantin K.
Reflexive Thoughts about a Medieval Russian Epic.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Caplan, David and Waters, Gloria
Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension.
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
Current Approaches to Punctuation in Computational Linguistics.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Mueller, Horst M. and King, Jonathan W. and Kutas, Marta
Event-related potentials elicited by spoken relative clauses.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Kashkin, Vyatcheslav B.
[Conference Paper]
Green, Christopher D. and Groff, Philip R.
Auditory Implicit Learning, and Its Transfer to and from Visual Implicit Learning.
Sloman, Aaron
Beyond Turing Equivalence.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Roberts, Mark D.
P-model Alternative to the T-model.
Green, Christopher D. and Munro, Ellen
Implicit Learning of Spatial Sequences.
Allott, Robin
[Book Chapter]
Sloman, Aaron
Musings on the roles of logical and non-logical representations in intelligence.
[Book Chapter]
Piolat, A
Parler, rédiger: présentation d'un outil d'analyse syntaxique et de quelques résultats.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Roberts, Mark D.
Ultrametric Distance in Syntax.
Roberts, Mark D.
Ultrametric Distance in Syntax.
Sloman, A.
Semantics in an intelligent control system.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
Symbols and Nets: Cooperation vs. Competition.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Josephson, Brian D. and Blair, David G.
A Holistic Approach to Language.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Chomsky, Noam
A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior.
[Journal (Paginated)]
This list was generated on Tue Jan 16 23:49:43 2018 GMT.