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February 2013

York Heritage Seminar Series: Description, Dialogue or Debate? Examining the role of narrative in the visualisation of archaeology

Date: 26.02.2013 Time: 5.30pm Speaker: John Swogger (Archaeological illustrator) Location: Room 3043 building 65a (avenue campus) Tuesday 26 February we will be live-streaming another York Heritage Seminar, this time by the archaeological illustrator John Swogger who will talk about “Description, Dialogue or Debate? Examining the role of narrative in the visualisation of archaeology”. Continue reading →

sotonDH small grants: A Connected Island? Citation Network Analysis

By Tom Brughmans and Iza Romanowska This third blogpost about the Connected Island project will introduce our method for analysing publications and their citations. We will briefly discuss how citation network analysis works and the issues surrounding its applications. Finally, we will look at the very first results of this project: an analysis of publications about the Middle and Lower Palaeolithic in Hungary. Continue reading →