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October 2013

sotonDH Small Grants: Re-scoring Princess Iron fan – Post 1

sotonDH Small Grants: Re-scoring Princess Iron fan (1941) for PhD composition portfolio - Post 1 by Yu-Ching Cha Introduction to the research This portfolio of compositions centres around a complete re-scoring of the 73 minute long Chinese animated film Princess Iron Fan (1941), combining contemporary Western scoring methods and aesthetics with source material from the Tang Dynasty, when the story was set. Continue reading β†’

sotonDH Small Grants: English accents and identity – Post 1

sotonDH Small Grants: English accents and identity – Post 1 by Fan Fang English is used worldwide as an international language for speakers of different languages and cultural backgrounds. My PhD project looks at the attitudes of Chinese university teachers’ and students’ towards their own and other English accents in the framework of English as a lingua franca (ELF), and explores how their attitudes towards different accents might affect their identity. Continue reading β†’