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The DH Hub

The Digital Humanities Hub is centred on a large open concept mixed-use space equipped with a 100″ video wall, modular seating and presentation boards that encourages study, conversation and networking. Key facilities include:

  • a dedicated video and sound recording studio.
  • a 2 and 3D imaging lab.
  • an Igloo Immersive environment.
  • a 3D printing lab.
  • a video editing suite (65/1085).
  • a historic gaming station.

The Digital Humanities Hub contains a variety of equipment from cameras, tripods, mics and audio recorders to 3D scanners, VR headsets, portable studios and holographic imaging kit. We also provide video editing, imaging and data processing tools including text, image, network, and spatial analysis software on powerful desktop and laptop PC’s.

All equipment is bookable by Southampton staff and students for no charge, with techician expertise on hand to support use. External use is subject to a facilities charge, negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

For more information, see our Sharepoint (internal users only) or email

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