Try an Open Journal
The Open Journal
This page updated 3rd February 1999

The project developed three experimental, subject-based Open Journals. These demonstrators emphasised various linking features, which are the essence of the project's work, rather than the subject context.

The most successful Open Journal demonstrated citation linking. Although the publishers that provided real data for use in that demonstrator wished the full version to be available for just a limited time, we are able to offer a restricted demonstration of citation linking, a sort of guided tour of an Open Journal in Cognitive Science.

Also highlighted in other demonstrators produced by the project was what we call 'keyword linking', which can be used to create indexing links for individual journals or collections of journals, or to provide links to dictionaries or glossaries. On the Web most linking is performed on HTML documents, but the large majority of online journals are presented in PDF. Those who produce or use PDF journals may be interested in our PDF linking demonstrator.

Release details of the Open Journal demonstrators are given in the table below. For background information on any of the demonstrators see the relevant published papers listed in the table for each specific Open Journal. Alternatively, you may prefer to see the project's complete list of papers.

Open Journal Release status Citation linking Keyword linking PDF linking Relevant papers
Cognitive Science Open release, May 1998 Yes    
Biology Release to selected users   Yes Yes
Computer Science Internal project release  Yes Yes Yes

Contacts for these Open Journals are:

We are grateful to all the publishers participating in the project and acknowledge their contributions to the content and development of these Open Journals.

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