L2 Proficiency Assessment Workshop | February 2012 | Montpellier | 'Assessing modality in a second language'
'“Repeat as much as you can”: Elicited imitation as a measure of global proficiency in L2 French' |
AAAL Annual Conference | March 2012 | Boston | 'Social Networks, Target Language Interaction and Second language Acquisition during Residence Abroad: A Longitudinal Study' |
AFLS Annual Conference | June 2012 | Newcastle | 'Réseaux sociaux, interaction et acquisition d'une langue seconde au cours de l'année à l'étranger' |
Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education | July 2012 | Edinburgh | 'Language Assistantships and Student Exchange: a comparison of students' linguistic development during different residence abroad programmes'
'Doing residence abroad in a globalising world: Real, virtual and imagined communities' |
EUROSLA Annual Conference | August 2012 | Poznan | 'Social network analysis as a means to investigate input and interaction during residence abroad' |
Annual Meeting, British Assoc for Applied Linguistics | September 2012 | Southampton | 'A comparative study of social networks of British undergraduates during residence abroad in France, Spain and Mexico' |
Second Language Research Forum | October 2012 | Pittsburgh | 'A longitudinal investigation of L1 and L2 use during residence/study abroad' |
AFLS Annual Conference | June 2013 | Perpignan | 'Réseaux sociaux, interaction, et développement lexical au cours de l'année à l'étranger' |
EUROSLA Annual Conference | August 2013 | Amsterdam | 'Impact of social networking and social integration on development of L2 accuracy and fluency during residence abroad: a comparative longitudinal study' |
Learner Corpus Research Conference | September 2013 | Bergen | 'A longitudinal learner corpus investigation of vocabulary learning before, during, and after residence abroad' |
Memorial Symposium for Rosita Rindler Scherve | March 2014 | Vienna | 'Language practices during residence abroad: through the lens of LINEE' |
The expression of temporality by L2 learners of French and English | May 2014 | Montpellier | 'The development of the subjunctive in French L2' |
AFLS Annual Conference | June 2014 | Canterbury | 'Diversity in language learning: deconstructing the 'study abroad' experience in France' |
LLAS Conference | July 2014 | Southampton | 'Promoting intercultural learning among Anglophone students during residence abroad' |
AILA Congress | August 2014 | Brisbane | 'Real and virtual social networking and language learning during residence abroad' |
EUROSLA Annual Conference | September 2014 | York | '“It's just a matter of time”: The development of grammatical accuracy during residence abroad' |