


L2 Proficiency Assessment Workshop February 2012 Montpellier 'Assessing modality in a second language'

'“Repeat as much as you can”: Elicited imitation as a measure of global proficiency in L2 French'
AAAL Annual Conference March 2012 Boston 'Social Networks, Target Language Interaction and Second language Acquisition during Residence Abroad: A Longitudinal Study'
AFLS Annual Conference June 2012 Newcastle 'Réseaux sociaux, interaction et acquisition d'une langue seconde au cours de l'année à l'étranger'
Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education July 2012 Edinburgh 'Language Assistantships and Student Exchange: a comparison of students' linguistic development during different residence abroad programmes'

'Doing residence abroad in a globalising world: Real, virtual and imagined communities'
EUROSLA Annual Conference August 2012 Poznan 'Social network analysis as a means to investigate input and interaction during residence abroad'
Annual Meeting, British Assoc for Applied Linguistics September 2012 Southampton 'A comparative study of social networks of British undergraduates during residence abroad in France, Spain and Mexico'
Second Language Research Forum October 2012 Pittsburgh 'A longitudinal investigation of L1 and L2 use during residence/study abroad'
AFLS Annual Conference June 2013 Perpignan 'Réseaux sociaux, interaction, et développement lexical au cours de l'année à l'étranger'
EUROSLA Annual Conference August 2013 Amsterdam 'Impact of social networking and social integration on development of L2 accuracy and fluency during residence abroad: a comparative longitudinal study'
Learner Corpus Research Conference September 2013 Bergen 'A longitudinal learner corpus investigation of vocabulary learning before, during, and after residence abroad'
Memorial Symposium for Rosita Rindler Scherve March 2014 Vienna 'Language practices during residence abroad: through the lens of LINEE'
The expression of temporality by L2 learners of French and English May 2014 Montpellier 'The development of the subjunctive in French L2'
AFLS Annual Conference June 2014 Canterbury 'Diversity in language learning: deconstructing the 'study abroad' experience in France'
LLAS Conference July 2014 Southampton 'Promoting intercultural learning among Anglophone students during residence abroad'
AILA Congress August 2014 Brisbane 'Real and virtual social networking and language learning during residence abroad'
EUROSLA Annual Conference September 2014 York '“It's just a matter of time”: The development of grammatical accuracy during residence abroad'

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