International Trans Day of Remembrance

Today is International Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day we focus and acknowledge those lost to transphobia, transphobic violence, suicide and hate crimes. There are a couple of events on campus and in Southampton which are free to attend, and open to the public:

Vigil hosted by SUSU LGBTSoc from 6.30pm at The Art House. More details can be found on their website.

Service for Trans Days of Remembrance hosted by UoS Faith and Reflection and SCM Southampton from 8pm, at the Reflection Centre. More details can be found on the event page.


End HIV stigma

End isolation. End stigma. End HIV transmission. World AIDS Day joins the fight to end the negative impact of HIV.

This year in the UK there have been the first significant reductions in HIV diagnoses for gay men in London, thanks to frequent testing, rapid treatment and PrEP. World AIDS Day is about growing this success so that it includes everybody at risk, across the UK.

But our fight is not just about the virus. For the more than 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK, ignorance and discrimination can still limit opportunities, preventing them from living full and happy lives. HIV means you are more likely to live in poverty, and more likely to have poor mental health.

The Pulse Network will be supporting World AIDS Day by fundraising, and we have a number of red ribbons available from the National AIDS Trust. We’ll be accepting a minimum donation of £1 for each ribbon, and you’ll be able to pick up a ribbon at the following locations on 1st December:

Boldrewood Campus Reception (B176) during the day

Highfield Campus location TBC, between 12noon to 1pm


Focus on Secretary Committee rep

Following on from our message last week about Committee positions up for grabs in 2018, this post is about the Pulse Network Secretary role, a fantastic opportunity for someone who’s into social media and sharing our story.

What is the Secretary position about?

You would be collating and sharing information across Pulse, the ED&I team, external bodies and also help the Social/Events rep organise network meetings. The channels we have in place at the moment include:

  • Pulse Twitter feed
  • Pulse Facebook page
  • The new website blog posts
  • Other central University channels, such as SUSSED

You would get support as Secretary, from the Chair and/or other members of the University, in writing/maintaining communications and sharing our story and what’s happening with the University community.

What is the first task?

After getting access to the Twitter and Facebook accounts, this person will be working in partnership with the rest of the Committee to develop a communication plan for launch of the new website at the end of January 2018.

How do I put my name forward as Secretary?

Send your expressions of interest to James Allen by Monday 20th November. These will be collated and if there’s more than one, then a network vote will take place.

What other roles need to be filled?

Remember we’re still accepting expressions of interest for Social/Events rep (closing date is this Friday!) We will also be looking to fill the Vice-Chair role. If you’re interested in finding out more about these then check out the Terms of Reference for an overview or contact James Allen.