Contact Us

Committee positions available:

Current Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Events/Social

Email us

If you’d like to get in touch with us, or take a place on the committee, please send an email to or It’s completely confidential, so anything you say will be held in the strictest of confidence.

Be added to the mailing list

You can also contact us at if you want to be added to the mailing list. You’ll be kept up to date with all the latest news regarding the network, and upcoming events. If you’re on the mailing list you’ll hear about opportunities before they are shared with the wider University community. If you’re not sure you want to sign up just yet though, you can always check here for the latest information.

Social media

We have a Twitter feed, so follow us on @UoSLGBT 

Find our public Facebook group at

We generally promote events and activities to the wider world on Facebook, and which anyone can view or can like if they wish to be notified of updates. However you’re hear about opportunities first by being on the mailing list.

We also have a ‘secret’ Facebook group, so it’s impossible to find unless you’ve been invited to join. This is so that we’re able to promote ‘safe space’ events, although all the content on the public page also feeds into the ‘secret’ group. If you’d like to join the secret group then email us your request at, using the email address you have registered with Facebook, and we’ll be glad to send you an invite.

Microsoft Teams group

Our Team code is 205daho so use this to join the group within the University’s Microsoft Teams application.