LGBT+ allies

What is an ally?

A person who openly challenges the homophobic, biphobic and transphobic behaviour that obstructs equality for LGBT+ people but does not themselves identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.

What do allies do?

The primary role of an ally is to help create an environment in which LGBT+ employees are free from discrimination and able to be open about who they are at work. However, to establish the University as genuinely inclusive of LGBT+ people, allies need to have an active approach. This can involve:

  • Challenge trans-phobic, bi-phobic, and non-binary phobic language and behaviour
  • Speaking about the importance of being an ally for all colleagues
  • Contributing to Pulse Network events and raising awareness

How can I be an ally?

There are a number of ways you can demonstrate solidarity with your LGBT+ colleagues. We’ve provided a checklist below to show how you can get involved, with different levels of commitment to suit your preferences.

  1. Be mindful of peoples’ preferred pronouns and prefixes (for example Mx, Ms)
  2. Follow Pulse on Twitter and Facebook
  3. Sign up to the Pulse mailing list
  4. Wear the Pulse Rainbow Lanyard
  5. Share mailing list emails with your colleagues and teams
  6. Attend activities and events
  7. Help support/contribute to activities and events
  8. Add an LGBT+ Ally objective to your annual Appraisal
  9. Join the Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network Committee