Well that was fun!

Today we tried out Google Hangouts for a live discussion. What could possibly go wrong? :-)

But with seconds to spare, all was sorted…

A big thank you to our guest panelists:

–     Paul Harrigan, Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia, Perth (@drpaulharrigan)

–     Roisin McCarthy, Manager at Datatech Analytics

–     Simon Perry, Publisher, OnTheWight (@simonperry)

–     Russell Pert, Head of Digital for Southern Europe, Barclaycard.

You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel

Thankfully the connections and sound quality held up ok, in fact the most robust connection was with Paul in Perth rather than Simon in the Isle of Wight! It is really important though to check everything out beforehand – using the same kit and internet connection that you plan to use for real. Missing plugins and general G+ navigation issues can disrupt the best laid plans. Big “thank yous” are owed to Kate Dickens and Chris Phethean who did a great job with the logistics :-)

Some great tweets started pouring in: