H�lio Kuramoto of
IBICT has helped to formulate a Proposed Law (introduced by
Rodrigo Rollemberg, Member of Brazil's House of Representatives) that would require all Brazil's public institutions of higher education and research units to create OA institutional repositories and self-archive all their technical-scientific output therein.
There is also a petition in support of this
Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate. I urge all in favor of OA in Brazil (and worldwide) to sign the
petition here.
Below is an English translation of the petition. Bravo to HK and RR for this timely and welcome step, setting an inspiring example for all. (Brazil's
Auriverde -- Gold and Green -- flag is especially apposite for OA!)
To: The Brazilian Scientific Community
On May 23 of 2007, Rodrigo Rollemberg, Member of Brazil's House of Representatives, introduced Proposed Law n� 1120/2007 concerning the dissemination of Brazil's technical-scientific output.
This is a pioneering initiative for this country and indeed for all of Latin America. Brazil can become the first Latin American country to establish a legal mandate for the deposit and distribution of Brazil's technical-scientific output. This Proposed Law represents a decisive and courageous step toward providing open access to Brazilian scientific research. If approved, the Law will contribute to eliminating access barriers to scientific information worldwide. In addition to being beneficial to the national economy, the Law will allow greater transparency in Brazil's investment in its scientific research, generating quantitative metrics to guide the planning and support of science and technology.
The first article proposes that all Brazil's public institutions of higher education, as well as all research units, should be required to establish institutional repositories in which all the technical-scientific output of their academic and researcher staff must be deposited. The intention is to ensure that this content will be made openly accessible on the Web.
The article proposes creating a High Level Committee co-ordinated by IBICT to design and direct whatever actions need to be taken to provide open access to scientific research. This Committee will have the mandate to discuss and formulate a National Policy of Open Access to Scientific Research Output.
It is incumbent on all members of the scientific community to promote open access in Brazil by fighting for the approval of Law n� 1120/2007 by the National Congress.
We hereby invite all those who support the Proposed Law to sign this petition here.
Stevan Harnad
American Scientist Open Access Forum