These questions are for the
Imperial College Science Communication Forum
"Open access: Going for Gold?"
Thursday, 27 September 2012
18:30 to 21:00 (BST)
London, United Kingdom
QUESTION 1: For hybrid subscription journals that offer
both Gold OA (CC-BY) for a fee and Green OA (6-12) for free, why does RCUK require authors to pick and pay for Gold? Why not leave the choice to the author?
RCUK Policy: "�papers must be published in journals which are [RCUK]-compliant� journal [is RCUK-]compliant� if�(1)� journal offers [Gold OA, CC-BY].. Or (2) where a publisher does not offer option 1� journal must allow� [Green OA, 6-12]"
QUESTION 2: If the RCUK official policy really
RCUK authors may choose Green or Gold" rather than�"
RCUK authors may choose Green where Gold is not offered", then why does it not
RCUK authors may choose Green or Gold" rather than�"
RCUK authors may choose Green where Gold is not offered"? All that's needed to make this perfectly clear is is to drop the words "
where a publisher does not offer option 1".
(It is not clear why the clause �"Where a publisher does not offer option 1"�was ever inserted in the first place, as the logic of what is intended is perfectly clear without it, and is only obscured by inserting it.�The only two conceivable reasons I can think of for that gratuitous and misleading clause's having been inserted in the first place are that either (a) the drafters half-forgot about the hybrid GREEN+GOLD possibility, or (b) they were indeed trying to push authors (and publishers!) toward the GOLD option in both choices: the between-journal choice of GOLD versus GREEN journal and the within-journal choice of the GOLD versus GREEN option -- possibly because of Gold Fever induced by BIS's Finch Folly.)
QUESTION 3: Are Finch/RCUK not bothered by the fact that the new policy that "RCUK authors may choose Green [only] where Gold is not offered" (if that's what it means) would be in direct contradiction with the
recommendations of BOAI-10 to institutions (see excerpt at end of this posting)?
QUESTION 4: How many UK research fields urgently need
CC-BY today? Have Finch/RCUK not confused the re-use needs of research data (
Open Data) with the need for free online access to articles? What percentage of all research fields needs and wants CC-BY (machine data-mining and re-publication rights) for its articles today, compared to the percentage that needs and wants free online access to its articles? What is the relative urgency of these two needs today (and the price worth paying to fulfill them)?
QUESTION 5: What good does it do UK industry to have BIS subsidize Gold OA for the UK's 6% of worldwide research output (out of the UK's scarce research funds) when the rest of the world is not doing the same (and unlikely to afford or want to) for the remaining 94% of worldwide research output?�Does UK industry need Open Access
to the UK's own research output only, in order to "create wealth"?
QUESTION 6: Is RCUK not concerned that a policy requiring UK authors to choose Gold over Green would simply induce subscription publishers to offer a pricey hybrid Gold option and to increase their Green embargoes (for all authors worldwide) so as to ensure that all UK researchers must pay for Gold? Won't that make it tougher for other others (94%) to provide and mandate Green OA worldwide?
QUESTION 7: Has anyone troubled to do the arithmetic on the UK subsidy for Gold? The UK publishes 6% of worldwide research output. The UK presumably also pays 6% of publishers' worldwide subscription revenue. Most publishers today are subscription publishers. So, in response to the current policy that "RCUK authors may choose Green where Gold is not offered", would it not make sense for all subscription publishers worldwide simply to add a hybrid Gold option, so that their total subscription income can be increased by 6% for hybrid Gold, subsidized by the UK tax-payer and UK research funds? Has it not been noticed by Finch/RCUK that even if publishers made good on the promise to lower their subscription fees in proportion to any increase in their Gold OA revenue from the UK, the UK would only get back
6% of the 6% it double-pays for hybrid Gold?
Finch Report (cited also by RCUK) claimed that Green OA had failed, and suggested it should be downgraded to just preservation archiving. But is it not rather
the prior RCUK Green OA mandate that failed, because it adopted no compliance verification mechanisms? Green OA mandates with
effective compliance mechanisms (integrated with institutional mandates) are succeeding very well elsewhere in the world. Why does the new RCUK policy again focus only on confirming compliance with Gold, rather than with Green?
ANSWER: RCUK already has a Green OA mandate. If the UK wants 100% UK OA within two years, it need only add the following simple, cost-effective
compliance verification mechanism: (1) Deposit must be in the fundee's
institutional repository. (This makes each UK institution responsible for monitoring and verifying timely compliance.) (2) All articles must be
deposited immediately upon acceptance for publication. (Publisher embargoes apply only to the date on which the deposit is made OA.) (3) Repository deposit must be designated the
sole mechanism for submitting publications for UK research assessment (
BOAI-10 RECOMMENDATIONS -- 1.1. Every institution of higher education should have a policy assuring that peer-reviewed versions of all future scholarly articles by faculty members are deposited in the institution�s designated repository...
-- Deposits should be made as early as possible, ideally at the time of acceptance, and no later than the date of formal publication.
-- University policies should respect faculty freedom to submit new work to the journals of their choice. [emphasis added]
-- University policies should encourage but not require publication in OA journals [emphasis added] ...
-- 1.3. Every research funding agency, public or private, should have a policy assuring that peer-reviewed versions of all future scholarly articles reporting funded research are deposited in a suitable repository and made OA as soon as practicable.
-- Deposits should be made as early as possible, ideally at the time of acceptance, and no later than the date of formal publication...
Stevan Harnad